long tentacle plate coral

  1. Kerbash

    Long Tentacle Plate Coral (Heliofungia) care

    Hey, Looking to get a long tentacle plate coral. Whats their general care like? I kept seeing people say they are a bit touchy, but couldnt find out why. Does anyone have experience keeping them? Especially long term? What should I watch out for? Thanks!
  2. Garrett8092

    Huge healthy Long Tentacle Blue Plate Coral - $200 + $50 shipping

    Have a massive blue long tentacle plate coral I have to sell off since it’s gotten too large for my tank. When it’s happy it’s 10-12 inches in diameter and the tentacles extend out about 5-7 inches. It’s a beautiful piece that is perfectly healthy. See pics. Will ship overnight. Shipping is $50
  3. ThunderGoose

    Is this normal?

    Woke up this morning to see my Long Tentacle Plate coral all puffed up. I just got it last Saturday and it's the first coral in my new tank. Checked water quality Wednesday and the only quality not within normal parameters was phosphate (which was high). I did a water change of ~10%. Sorry for...
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