live rock and vermetid snails

  1. McReeferNista

    I cannot get my tanks under control with flurry of pests

    Hello, it's time for me to ask as I believe I am at the last rung. It pains to see that I cannot get my tanks from having all these pest problems. First I have invasion of the vermetid snail that was so bad. Then the flatworms came along with the newbie branch and lots more. It was so bad...
  2. TheFishTickler

    White blob. Need an ID.

    I've had my tank for about 1 1/2 years, never had any problems. I have a rock flower anenome, spiny star snails, blue leg hermits, clownfish and an short spines urchin. My pump transformer exploded about a month and a half ago. Killed my emerald crab, shrimp, zoas and I've had problems ever...
  3. Trickman2

    Muriatic acid, Live Rock and Vermetid snails... oh my !!!

    Randy, Muriatic acid, Live Rock and Vermetid snails... oh my !!! How long after acid before you can use the rock again? I tore down my 90 gallon and was doing a reset when decided to go bigger. I had infants and had a big battle with vermetid snails, the tank went into maintenance mode only...