live phytoplankton

  1. Nutramar Foods

    It Ain't Easy Bein Green (actually, it kinda is)

    Green Toadstool Leather Corals are among the most popular corals in all of the marine aquarium hobby. We still believe them to be under-rated. Sarcophyton in general were one of the first corals to be kept successfully in aquariums because their preferred wild habitat is one that is fairly...
  2. A

    California Live Goods Live Phytoplankton

    Hi Reefers, Start Growing Phyto myself and selling them at cheaper price for the first time! ☺️☺️☺️ Test run price: $15 per 12 oz Can deliver to South Bay or pick up in Sunnyvale Shipping is available (Fees TBD)
  3. Nutramar Foods

    Ultimate Ultra Zoanthids!

    Zoanthids are the first “coral” for many marine aquarium keepers and it's easy to see why. They come in a wild myriad of colors, most of them are quite hardy and grow quickly under good conditions. Among our staff favorites here are our Caribbean Ultra Zoanthids. You don't recognize the name...
  4. N

    California Live Goods Live Phytplankton Concentrate (Free Shipping)

    Live Phytoplankton Concentrate (Nannochloropsis) • 30 mls of concentrate (Equivelant to 32 oz) • 2-3 drops per 50 gallons of tank water • Can dose 2-3x more than recommended if you have a heavily stocked tank. If your system does not have a positive response to the increase in...
  5. N

    California Live Goods Live Phytoplankton Concentrate

    Live Phytoplankton Concentrate •30 mls of concentrate • 2-3 drops per 50 gallons of tank water • can dose 2-3x more than recommended if you have a heavy stocked tank. If your system does not have a positive response to the increase in dosing, cut back to normal dosing. Species...
  6. S

    Stable phytoplankton population in reef tank?

    With all of the benefits associated with dosing phytoplankton to a reef tank, I was wondering if it was at all possible to culture and maintain a stable phytoplankton population in the tank. I assume things like protein skimmers and various reactors would need to be disconnected and some amount...
  7. F

    Phytoplankton culturing

    I got live phytoplankton from my LFS yesterday. I’m wanting to culture it. It’s a 6 oz bottle of phytoplankton. Imma be using a 12 oz Gatorade bottle to culture it. I got my saltwater mixed to 35 PPT. My question is how much saltwater I should be in their bottle? I’m only wanting to use half the...
  8. Joe Kennedy

    Hello Hey! Canadian here saying hello!

    Hey, first off, great community with such an amazing library of knowledge, thanks for that! Been able to enjoy learning from everyone here over the past 3 years since I've joined the hobby. I'm running a 150 G 3rd hand tank with a 40 G sump, loving everything about it. Mainly a softie and...
  9. N

    Live Phytoplankton

    This thread is for the general discussion of the classified ad Live Phytoplankton. For more information about this item, please click the link or ask a question in this thread. Please add to the discussion here.
  10. Adam1985

    Phyto ID Help (Picture and Video Attached)

    Hi, Would anyone be able to identify this species? It’s motile, green, and oval shaped. I cultured it in standard salinity saltwater. Other than that, I only have a Chinese name 扁藻. Sorry for the poor quality microscopy. Thanks, Adam
  11. ReefChasers

    Reef Chasers Phytobloom™ Live Phytoplankton

    Reef Chasers™ Phytobloom™ now available for purchase! We are currently producing two strains (Nanno and Tetra). Live, dense, harvested weekly and extremely affordable, shipped to your door PLUS Enjoy Free shipping on all food orders over $50.00. Why should you use Reef Chasers™ Phytobloom™ Reef...
  12. ajtomase

    Trusted Pod Dealer

    Hi Everyone, I'm curious to where everyone is getting their copepods/phyto from. There's so many dealers out there, and I've heard horror stories of people getting pods shipped to the DOA.
  13. Thomas Danho

    Livestock Dry Goods Tommy's Phytoplankton two 16 OZ packets a total of 32 oz for only $20 with free shipping!

    Hey all, Tommy's Phyto is back and We are now a proud sponsor for Reef 2 Reef! I always heard of people complaining about algae. Why Struggle with algae? I dose Live Phytoplankton daily, Phyto out-competes nuisance algae. Phytoplankton also feed all your filter feeders and coral! I always hear...
  14. JohnGP

    Texas Free Phyto in Austin, TX area....

    I recently expanded my Phyto culturing system to larger 6.5g jugs, better lighting on timers etc. and my Phyto took off like crazy. I thought I'd bottle some up and sell it at a pretty good deal to fellow Reefers but the USPS shipping delays has me concerned that it won't live through their...
  15. leahfiish

    Live Food Discussion Thread

    I wanted to start a thread to discuss different types of live food, culturing info, pros and cons, and how to. I am interested in all aspects of live feeding, but I figured I would ask some questions to get this discussion started! Do you feed: Live phytoplankton Live zooplankton Live...