lineatus fairy wrasse male

  1. F

    Florida Live Goods Lineatus wrasse supermale,fire angel, and purple dotty back in Brandon Florida

    lineatus wrasse is 200$ fire angel is 70$ Purple dottyback is 10$ For all three I would do 250$ as I am trying to downsize my tank and selling these three would allow me to begin tearing down my old tank
  2. F

    Florida Live Goods Fish for sale in Tampa fl

    Purple dotty back-10 Lineatus wrasse super male-250$ Fire angel-75$ Blue star leopard wrasse-75$ Purple tang-150$ Mandarin goby that eats mysis shrimp-50$ These are currently the fish I have for sale I do not have many good pictures of them but they are all in good health They must all be...
  3. F

    Florida Aquariums Package Deal Dry Goods Waterbox 70.3 full system and livestock

    This comes with everything besides the clownfish and a few of the corals the only corals I am keeping are the pink Goni, dragon soul torch, and the space invader, the chalice , the bowerbanki and the pink cyphastrea everything else is for sale I am located in Tampa fl

    Lineatus Fairy Wrasse Male, Labouti Wrasse!!!

    Labouti Wrasse Aus (Cirrhilabrus labouti)-$300 Lineatus Fairy Wrasse Male (Cirrhilabrus lineatus)-$350 Paracheilliunius Antennuatus Male-$300 Earles Fairy Wrasse (Cirrhilabrus earlei) Male-$600 Scott's Wrasse(Cirrhilabrus scottorum) Male-270 Delivery- $50