
  1. W

    My radion gen3 is blinking?

    Hey guys I’m wondering if anyone knows what I’m doing wrong here, so I connected my radion gen3 to my computer I programmed the schedule into it and then left it plugged in for several minutes but all it would do is have the LED lights flash every couple seconds, is this normal? Or what else do...
  2. Christiang7866

    EMERGENCY AI prime lighting

    I had a pet crappy light on my 15 gallon nano reef for a little then I upgraded to the ai prime 16 hd and my bubble tip anemone seems to be turning white and my other corals seem to be getting bleached as well. I am not sure on what the spectrum should be on and I need some advice on what to...
  3. U

    Used BioCube - Lighting Issues

    Hello everyone! I am very new to the reef community and just started my first tank a 29g BioCube this past September. The tank has been awesome and I am absolutely loving having one but have run into a lighting issue NOONE seems to know how to fix. The BioCube I have is equipped with a...
Pirates Reef Corals