lighting upgrade

  1. T

    Lighting Upgrades Affecting Corals

    I've recently gotten a 190 gallon aquarium up and running with a 6 bulb T5 fixture on top of it, and I plan on introducing corals. My issue is deciding when, and one factor, I'm hoping this forum can help resolve, is my lighting situation. Since this fixture isn't dimmable, I can't dial the...
  2. Reefkeeper28

    Orphek LEDs

    I have a maxspect razor r420r and I'm getting ready to order (2) Orphek OR3, 36 inch LEDs. I was going to get one sky blue and one uv/violet LEDs, but Orphek doesn't have the new OR3 uv/violet strip yet. The newer OR3 sky blue now has uv and violet LEDs on the strip. Now finally the question lol...
Reef Kinetics