lighting schedule

  1. SneaksMcdoogle

    Lighting questions….

    So I’m new to reefing and while Iv googled and searched here on R2R and haven’t been able to find information on this so my questions are… I have read that it’s bad to turn lights on quickly and to transition you aquarium lights on (make sense sunrise and all) The problem is I get up at five in...
  2. Stu_Tanks

    AI Prime 16HD PAR Levels

    Hey everyone. I just recently got an AI Prime 16 and tested the PAR on it today. It was a headache trying to research what kind of schedule I should go off of. I ended up sort of mimicking the schedule recommended by BRS. I found the PAR levels they recommended too high for my LPS dominant...
  3. H

    60G Cube Ai Prime 16HD settings?

    I have a 60 gallon cube with one ai prime 16hd about 10-12 inches away from the water, does anyone have or recommend which settings to use? A preset would be greatly appreciated! Thank you
  4. spicymikey

    Problems with brand new G5 XR30s drifting off planned schedule

    I am getting frustrated and thought I'd ask the forum if I am alone since @Tim at EcoTech says there are "no bugs" in their current firmware or software. First of all, anyone in the business of writing code would never honestly make a statement like that. There are ALWAYS bugs! . Plus, I...
  5. A

    KessilKessil A160WE Schedule Suggestions

    I have a 32 gallon Biocube with a Kessil A160WE about 4in above the waterline. Things have been going pretty well but wanted to see if anyone had suggestions or tweaks for my schedule. 0900: B100/C0 INT 1 1000: B90/C10 INT 20 1130: B80/C20 INT 40 1230: B60/C40 INT 70 1730: Ramp down B= Blue...
  6. jackalexander

    Reef Lighting Schedule

    Any suggestions on a good lighting schedule? I can’t change the percentages of blues/whites/reds or at least I don’t think I can because I have the coral life biocube 32. Anyway, I have my pinks on from 10am - 11am, whites from 11am - 5pm, pinks from 5pm - 6pm and then blues from 6pm - 11pm and...
  7. KeystoneMalone

    Hydra 26 Lighting Schedule

    I scored a great deal on a Hydra 26 off of someone on the forums here, its currently on my Nuvo 20. I am using the saxby preloaded schedule from the AI website and ive noticed a significant uptick in algae since. Can anyone recommend a schedule with a shorter photoperiod? im thinking that may...
  8. Salty Acres

    JBJ nano light schedule

    Hello - I’m wondering what light schedule I should run in my jbj 28g. I have three fish and three soft corals for now. Should I run a moonlight phase? I can run just blue at 1% then simulate morning daytime and dusk with schedules. what is the ideal total light time? Running 80% blue, 25% white...
  9. ajtomase

    AI Prime lighting schedule help

    Hello everyone, I'm getting a 56 gallon tank (Reefer 250) and adding 2 AI Primes to it. I plan on it having both fish and LPS corals in it. Below is my fish/coral list Fish Lawnmower blenny Blue reef chromes Ocellaris clownfish (2) Blue mandarin (once tank is fully established) Tricolor Fairy...
  10. N11morales

    Upgrading biocube lighting to AI Prime HD

    Hello, I was wondering if there is any good presets for a 32G biocube for the AI Prime HD. I'm not sure exactly how strong the par reading willb e on the AI Prime HD. If i should move a lot of my corals or just slowly increase the power of the lights. I know the biocube lighting isnt very...
  11. N11morales

    32G Biocube switch to AI Prime HD lighting

    I have been thinking about upgrading my lights to the AI Prime HD's instead of the biocubes base lighting. I was wondering if this is a good switch? Also I saw this video on how to cut a hole into the lid of the biocube remove the lights nad have the ai prime stick through the hole. Has anyone...
  12. cwb_reeftank

    AI Prime HD help!!!!

    Hello I just got my AI Prime HD today and I have been trying to set it up and I have it connected to the myAI app but it won't let me add it to myAI account online. I've typed in the serial number and everything. Also there is a preset that I would like to try but I don't know how to get it on...
  13. A

    Photon V2+ 24" Lighting Schedule

    Hello Everyone, I have the Photon V2+ 24" lights and LOVE them. I have them over a 40 gallon breeder tank at about 12 inches above water surface. I just installed an egg create top to the tank to try and avoid jumping fish. This got me thinking about my lighting schedule as I read the egg...
  14. DanSavesTheDay

    Need light schedule advice 2x Kessil a360we with aquatic life 48" hybrid blue+/coral+

    I am planning on switching to a 2x Kessil a360we with a 48" T5 hybrid fixture with 2 blue+ 2 coral+ staggered. How high above the water surface should I mount the fixture. What is a good lighting schedule for a mixed but mostly SPS dominant tank. What is a good lighting schedule to start at...
  15. BangedUp

    Cube Build Biocube 32 stock light schedule

    32 stock biocube lights, let’s see your 3 scheduled programs what’s working for you .... my corals color is good but growing a little slow lately, maybe mine need a tweak, softies and some medium light lps only
  16. sotsreef

    Lighting Schedule Help!

    can people recommend a lighting schedule for an 8 gallon cube with an a80 tuna blue. Please share anything you know, thx!
  17. Sushitheshiba

    Photoperiod vs PUR

    I just had a random thought/question about lighting and please correct me if I’m wrong: Let’s say that your tank’s chemistry/flow and everything is on point. Will having a longer photoperiod of LEDs that don’t have the best PAR/PUR do the same as lights with high PAR/PUR lighting that is only on...
  18. nautical_nathaniel

    Let me see your lighting schedules!

    I recently got a Maxspect Ethereal and I'm a bit stuck on how to schedule the lights. Right now I have it on an automatic color based schedule where you choose the color temperature and intensity you want and it does the rest. My corals seem to be happy but I'm worried there may be a bit too...
  19. FoxTalbott

    Help with Par Levels & Lighting Schedule in Mixed Reef

    First time here..... Hellow R2R I was wondering what are ideal Par values/numbers at top, mid & bottom for a mixed reef to include softies, LPS & SPS. All this Par, light intensity & color talk is confusing to me. :) I would like advice & recommendations on a 12 hr lighting schedule from dusk...