lighting intensity

  1. Karen00

    How do I approach customizing an AI preset schedule for my tank?

    Hello fellow saltines, Today is the first full run through of my AI Prime, using Saxby, on my 5g (in acclimation mode). My question is: If I like everything about the Saxby preset then is there a calculator or general scaling formula related to tank depth? Ex: I read that David Saxby's tank is...
  2. Colorz

    Sure could use your advice pretty please if my lighting schedule needs adjusted :)

    Hello friends! Back into the hobby after 25 yrs and things sure have changed! I have looked for info about what my lighting should be, yet, haven't found anything that made me feel zen about it lol I have 28g AIO nanocube with a small mix of RBTA'S, 2 Kenya trees, 1 frogspawn, 1 hammer, few...
  3. Nanocube1

    Lighting schedule and changing intensities over 24 hours

    Hey reefers Do any of you set light intensities throughout put the day so a sun rise through to sunset and moonlight? Also as so many love the blue lighting and less white I've thought about increasing my whites just for an hour or two mid day.....this way I also get the best of both worlds of...
  4. Pyr0FoX77

    Gen 5 Radion XR-15 Intensities

    All, I've been doing some intensive research into the intensities of the radion xr-15s. I can't seem to find a forum or article that answers my question. From my understanding, it's a tiered system. Your individual sliders are the intensity of your individual diodes, the point intensity is...
  5. S

    Ocean Revive Arctic t247 settings

    I have one ocean Revive Arctic t-247 on my 50 gallon tank which is currently cycling, I'm planning on keeping LPS and Soft corals to begin with and I'm hoping for some advice on the intensity and timing people have had success with?
  6. Zhill731

    Redsea 50 light cycle 24 gal cube

    Hi all! First time reefer here. I have a 24 gal Aquatop AIO cube with a Redsea ReefLed 50 I was wondering what light cycle and intensities you recommend. looking to have clowns & anemone, along with Zoas & other coral as well
  7. JoJo saving chichis

    Help please! Upgraded tank that came with lights and schedule

    Hi, I would GREATLY APRECIATE some help here. I upgraded tanks = SUPER excited & a bit STRESSED, LOL OLD TANK for 10 years: 55 gal with soft corals, anomies, few hard corals, canister filter, protein skimmer and LED lights (EverGrow LCD model IT2080). Which I LOVE those lights!... programed...
  8. sghera64

    Goniopora: can you i.d. either of these

    I have two different goniopora that I need help identifying. More importantly, I need help with any known lighting requirements. The greenish one might be a lobata (impinged tag/label said GOLO). But I can't identify the one on the far left. <HELP> I think I have the correct lighting...
  9. nautical_nathaniel

    Trying Out New Maxspect Ethereal Lighting Schedule, Thoughts?

    Hey everyone, I'm trying out a new lighting schedule on my Maxspect Ethereal, I'm wanting to up the intensity for my Acropora and other SPS and also hopefully enhance the color of all my corals. Here is what I've come up with so far: I was going to go ahead and upload this schedule to the...
  10. Dodgersfan

    Who has a 32" SB Light over a 48" tank? are your edges dark? Also - mounting them in hood?

    Hey Guys, I'm going to pick up a set of SB reef lights for my 90 Gallon (18"x48"x24" depth) does anyone have these lights already on theirs? can you post a pic? I'm concerned that with 8" clearance on each side the edges of the tank are going to be dark, so i might be leaning towards getting...
  11. landlocked303

    Algae Scrubber Help!

    I bought the Santa Monica Drop 1.4 for my BioCube 29 a few weeks ago. I have been running it for about 6 hours a night the last month and have ZERO growth... I have green hair algae on the rocks and glass, so I know there's nutrients. Any Ideas why I can't get any growth in the scrubber? Should...
  12. R

    How long do you run blue LEDS

    Hi, I have a 45 gallon LPS and softie tank with current marine ic LED lights. I have the daylight cycle running for 9 hours during the day, and a moonlight cycle that runs for 6 hours. The moonlight cycle currently has the blues set to 10% intensity. My understanding is the corals rely heavily...