light levels

  1. Giraffe0621

    What height to mount 2 x Radion XR15's over a RedSea Reefer 250?

    Friend is coming to help hang lights (2 x XR15's) tomorrow. Question is how high should I hang them? BRS lists the recommended spread for this light as 18" x 18" and I have two, but that doesn't help me decide how high to hang them, right? Do I need to have a PAR meter to figure that out? Is...
  2. Adam Baggett

    PAR levels for a 30 inch tank

    OK, So I have my new PAR meter coming tomorrow and I was wondering where my PAR should be? My tank is a 300 US Gallon 48 x 48 x 30. I want to start keeping LPS/SPS and Softies. I have 4 Rapid LED Oynx fixtures that are dimmable and they are controlled by my Apex, so I do ramp them up and down...
  3. P

    Best light level / feeding frequency for very-stressed corals?

    I have a candy cane that was supposedly DOA when it arrived a couple of weeks ago. The thing is, it's not dead, and seems to be mounting a comeback, with soft tissue slowly regrowing from the calcified cups. I also have a cauliflower colt, that also seemed DOA, but it too seems to be slowly...
Pirates Reef Corals