light help

  1. harryggumb

    Hydra 26 light settings for 75g mixed reef

    I’m currently running a 75 Gallon Tank with 20g sump and 100lbs of rock stocked with 1 Yellow Tang, 1 black ice ocellaris clownfish, 1 royal gramma, 1 Melanurus wrasse, 1 Starry Blenny, 1 Diamond goby and 1 harlequin shrimp. Protein Skimmer: Bubble Magus Curve 5 Protein Skimmer 2 Nero 5 Power...
  2. N

    Current USA light and wave maker?

    Hey everybody, I have been doing a bunch of research for my new reef tank and would love some input. I am looking for a good light and wave maker. I saw this website I have a 45 gallon tank. The...
  3. J

    Question about PAR and general lighting

    Hello! I have a 4 ft, Innovative Marine EXT 100 tank, and lighting consists of 2 AI 32 HDs on the rail. They are 11 inches off the surface of the water. My goal is LPS/Softies only, and then I have a few BTA's. Over the last couple of weeks, I have had a few LPS losses. I'm wondering if my...
  4. R

    Help with Clams and Lighting

    Pardon the unfamiliarity, my grandma gifted me some smallish (2-3 inch) pismo clams that she had bred in her tank, in hopes that I could raise a few of them on my own. She recommended quite a bit of heavy duty lighting equipment, but I'm tight on money and was wondering if there is a way I can...
  5. R

    Proper lighting for small to mid-size clams?

    Pardon the unfamiliarity, my grandma gifted me some smallish (2-3 inch) pismo clams that she had bred in her tank, in hopes that I could raise a few of them on my own. She recommended quite a bit of heavy duty lighting equipment, but I'm tight on money and was wondering if there is a way I can...
  6. will25u

    Reef Breeders Photon V2 Lighting Schedule/Intensity help

    Howdy, I need some help with my light schedule. We moved from having a BuildMyLED light bar to Reef Breeders Photon V2. We have a mixed reef of LPS/SPS and softies. But are not really getting the color on the corals that they should. We have tried different settings, and haven't found the...
  7. willstruck

    Light for a 24 inch mixed reef

    Hello everyone I am currently working on setting up my first reef tank, the dimensions are 60 by 40 by 40 cm and it is going to be a mixed reef. I had originally bought a t5 fixture but I’ve since decided I will save that for another project because i want to use leds. I have been looking for a...
  8. adsf430

    Light Settings in a Red Sea Max Nano Mixed Reef

    Hey all, Would Really appreciate some help. I have the redsea max nano tank and the 50W light that comes with it. Tank is an 18" cube. I currently have it set to 70% blue 0% white. It's a very mixed tank without acros but has digitatas, stylos, birdnest, montis, etc. on top and zoas...
  9. JoJo saving chichis

    Help please! Upgraded tank that came with lights and schedule

    Hi, I would GREATLY APRECIATE some help here. I upgraded tanks = SUPER excited & a bit STRESSED, LOL OLD TANK for 10 years: 55 gal with soft corals, anomies, few hard corals, canister filter, protein skimmer and LED lights (EverGrow LCD model IT2080). Which I LOVE those lights!... programed...
  10. Piscean_Introvert

    Lighting recommendations

    Hi all, Budget Newbie to the hobby, looking for recommendations on lighting for what I hope will be a nice mixed reef. Looking to be cost conscientious, any help and suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I’m starting with a 55g with the dimensions listed below. PisceanIntrovert
  11. Spenc_

    Maxspect R420R Lighting Levels

    I just setup a Nano tank which is a Innovative 10G Cube tank, put live rock in it and dry sand because I couldn't get ahold of live sand in my area. I have a Maxspect R420R 60W-16000k and I need help setting it up with times and light levels, I was told to have it on for 8-10 hours a day and...
  12. Swanky

    Maxspect Razor 200W LED Spectrum Percentages

    Hey guys, one of my first questions posted, so apologies if I'm not following protocol to a 't', work with me here ;) Last Fall as I set up my first 4 foot LPS / Softy tank, I decided to pick up a Maxspect Razor for lighting, and have been super happy with the quality of the fixture to this...
  13. Reeferburns

    Ai prime 16hd

    Hi I’ve got two questions involved with this light. Can I set a moon light for a certain duration like I can with my marine orbit? If so could you explain how I’m having difficulty’s trying to set it up. Also is it fine I only run one on a 29 gallon standard tank and run sps,lps and soft corals...