
  1. Schnizzle

    Spiral of eggs and baby snails

    Two for one here: Question 1 is what are the eggs pictured below from? They are all over the place. I have searched for a few days now and cannot find an answer. It is about 3/16" or 5mm. I have introduced 2 Astraea (I believe, pictured below), ~18 Cerith snails and 6 dwarf blue leg hermits...
  2. AwildcatsZ

    A whole new world...reefing while colorblind

    My entire life I grew up in a muted world. I grew up in a brown brick house, didn't understand why street signs were so dull, and never understood why people were confused with my fascination with neon colors (neon pink being my favorite). Then one day while at the doctor's office it all made...
TCK Corals