
  1. LegalReefer

    Help needed, lesions and white patch/dieback appearing on my Birdsnest

    Hello! In need of help, my birdsnest coral has always been relatively hardy and healthy, but lesions appeared on it about two days ago and have grown on the branches. I’d love some advice/help as to what I should do. Pictures attached of the lesions/white area of dieback.
  2. L

    Help! My fish has a damaged fin, and she's not eating

    The day before yesterday, Gem got stuck on the heater... Her fins are better now, but when I was feeding them today she couldn't quite swim up to eat the flakes. The flakes float so her buoyancy when trying to eat them wasn't the best. So I gave them another portion. I thought she ate, but she...
  3. Ancarol2421

    Recurring lesion on Female Clown

    Hi everyone, I am a tank caretaker at our college and we have this interesting case I wanted to share in case anyone recognizes it. This female clown is in a 30gal SW tank with a purple dottyback. Other inhabitants are really large toadstool, CUC (urchin, green emerald crabs, hermits, snails...
  4. kels64

    EMERGENCY Mycobacterium? Something else?

    So I’ve had this fish for about a month and she has been a head down swimmer ever since I got her so we all know clown fish are weird and I didn’t think anything of it. Today I turned up the lights to do my weekly close check of everybody and see that she has some kind of lesion/tumor and also...