
  1. Reaper_Six_Four


    Hey everyone, I’ve a novice at best when it comes to reefing. I’ve successfully established a tank with no mentorship and am in the middle of starting a new one. I feel I have much much more to learn in this hobby and would like to find an adequate mentor who I can learn from. I’m from...
  2. Bankertanker

    Hello New to reefing

    Hello everyone, I wanted to introduce myself I am Eli and I just set up my first saltwater tank, it's for my office so working on a smaller scale. It's a 10 gallon with 2 clown so far, going to wait a bit to start adding more to the tank. Any suggestions, recommendations, comments ETC I would...
  3. MarineDepot

    Explore Our Blog to Grow Your Aquarium Knowledge!!!

    We encourage all of our loyal customers to explore our Marine Depot Blog. We have talented writers who are showcasing helpful guides, the hottest trends, and expert tips and techniques to make your aquarium keeping experience more enjoyable. Our blog database is home to a wealth of knowledge...
  4. Carebearsss.x

    Alkalinity REALLY high

    Hello! We just checked the parameters on our tank and the alkalinity is extremely high! The DKH is at 14 While looking online, my boyfriend and I seen that you can dose vinegar into your tank to lower your alk? Is this a good idea? If so, how much do I add? Pls help :) I’m still trying to...
  5. Imnotjakeyv

    Hello First off hello!!

    Hello!!! I’m relatively new to the aquarium scene I have had freshwater tanks my entire life growing up but this is my first salt tank to keep and maintain by myself. I had acquired an “established” tank from a neighbor who had to move and couldn’t keep the tank. So thus began my journey into...
  6. Deaf clown

    Build Thread Better late than never

    So I’m finally going to do my first tank thread ever. Nothing too crazy but just like everyone else on here I do love corals! I’ve been active in the hobby since January 2015, but I’ve been obsessed with reef tanks since I could remember. I’ve always wanted one. About a year before I started...
  7. Michael Sylvester

    Education in Marine Biology and Reefing

    Here is a video of my classroom working on a few reefing projects in our elementary school. Whats your thoughts?
Pacific East