laying down

  1. T

    6 line wrasse laying down

    I recently caught our wrasse looking for opportunities to lie down in our nano tank like this. Lately, he’s been swimming a lot with his head up, tail down. I’m actively monitoring the situation, but looking to identify if this is normal behavior?
  2. B

    EMERGENCY Harlequin tusk dying

    Hello everyone today I saw my Harlequin tusk laying on its side on the sand and not really moving much but his breathing is very heavy. I put him in an acclamation box he’s laying in his side 95% on the time heavy breathing sometimes he swims but not much
  3. A

    Royal gamma hiding and heavy breathing.

    I added this guy to my tank about 3 days ago. He was out swimming and eating fine but for the past day he has been hiding and heavy breathing. He has not eaten at all or moved. The other fish in the tank seem to be doing fine and are eating well they where all added at the same time to a cycled...
  4. Diveks

    EMERGENCY Is this anthias a gonner?

    Just got 7 dispar anthias at least thats what i think they are the seller didn’t specify the species as they just called it rainbow fish or something. The seller said they were ‘old stock’ so they already ate pellets, i decided to grab them. They are being qted in a 70g now. They all are eating...