lawnmower blenny

  1. A

    Long Tentacle Anemone compatibility

    Hello, I’m new to the salt water side of fish keeping. I currently have a 75 gallon tank with a sail fin tang, yellow watchman gobby, royal gramma, lawnmower blenny, 2 cardinal banggai, 3 common clown fish, fire gobby, red scooter dragonet, and a skunk cleaner shrimp. I tried to research a...
  2. vaguelyreeflike

    Blenny Lovers Thread

    Tons of other “Species Dedicated” threads, lets start one for our beloved Blennies! Ask questions, post pics/videos, how to breed and courtship, anything Blenny! Here’s our suspected male Salarias Fasciatus
  3. vaguelyreeflike

    Show me your algae eater’s wall art

    Show me your tank wall art from your algae eating fish, urchins, snails etc! The Art vs The Artist lol 125gal and the single lawnmower blenny does this nightly. Working hard alright sorry if the pics dont load
  4. OneMerissa

    Bully lawnmower blenny?

    Hi all. I just added a lawnmower blenny yesterday. He’s about 3.5 inches already so not really a baby. He’s bullying my Royal gramma quite badly to where she is pretty much not moving. Just hiding or laying in the back of the tank. The blenny kicked her out of her normal caves while he explored...
  5. Lawnmower Blenny

    Lawnmower Blenny

    Lawnmower Blenny Perching
  6. violetjones

    Lawnmower Blenny Adoption (Los Angeles)

    Hi everyone, Started a reef tank two weeks ago. Went to my LFS and the owner convinced me to get a lawnmower blenny. I told him I had no algae growth and he insisted that lawnmower’s “eat everything”. After doing some research found out they most definitely do not and have no business being in...
  7. mikemathis555

    Emerald Crab too big?

    I have had an emerald crab in my tank for almost 3 months now. He is generally a good tank mate, and has good personality. He does great on the algae on my rocks, and even solved a Bryopsis outbreak I had. The problem…he is molting about one a month, and is approximately 2-3 times larger than...
  8. MrMreef

    Nori: why is it the food pariah in my tank?

    Hey Everyone, Bit of a weird one here; have a mixed reef 100g and none of my 2 herbivores will touch Nori (or lettuce, or zucchini) and I’m concerned because I’d like them to have a great, varied diet. Current fish list: 1x McCosker’s flasher 1x Canary Wrasse 2x Snowflake clowns 1x Lawnmower...
  9. Cantusaurus

    Lawnmower Blenny is STILL Skinny :( Should I rehome?

    I have had my lawnmower Blenny for about 6 weeks in my 32.5 gallon tank (long). The first 4 days it was in the tank it hid and didn't come out much, and would get scared if I came near the tank. I could see it grazing on the rocks at about the 3rd day I believe. It didn't come out when I fed...
  10. hds4216

    What is everyone's favorite blenny?

    Looking for recommendations on a blenny - I want a lively, active fish w/ some personality, that doesn't grow too big. I've been thinking of a lawnmower blenny, midas blenny, or starry blenny. The tailspot blenny seems perfect but I can't find it anywhere. It's sold out on every store online and...
  11. wolt

    Need help for identifying a blenny

    Need help for identifying a blenny it was sold as a starry Blenny but it looks like a lawnmower blenny
  12. trasor

    Is this flashing?

    Is this normal Lawnmower Blenny behavior? The video was posted again in the comments below due to the first upload not working.
  13. Schwab94


    Ive got two little clams in my tank and over night one of the clams appears to have opened up so wide it split in two. My second clam looks just like it did yesterday but im now worried that he may be next for what effected the first. Had both clams for about 3 months now, they're my first clams...
  14. InCodWeTrust

    Aggressive Lawnmower Blenny

    I added a Rusty Angelfish to my tank but my normally timid Lawnmower Blenny doesn’t seem to enjoy the new addition. Any thoughts on reducing the aggression towards the angelfish? Also feel free to post other aggressive or strange Lawnmower Blenny stories.
  15. DanSavesTheDay

    Any tips on getting LawnMowerBlenny to eat?

    I am adding a chaeto reactor on Friday to help with nutrient control and I am worried it may rid my tank of film and GHA which is the only thing my LMB seems to eat. I am also worried if he only eats mostly film algae he will waste away. What are some solution to get him eating I have tried...
  16. DanSavesTheDay

    Using a chaeto reactor with a lawnmower blenny who is picky eater?

    Hello fellows reefers I will be setting up my chaeto reactor on my 40 gallon this Friday. The reason is I am trying to lower phosphates without using chemicals. I do not overfeed and do a regular water change once a week and even after changing out around 70% moving home I still have some...
  17. Pete Horwath

    North Carolina Mated Breeding Pairs

    Folks, I'm looking for mated mature pairs of fish for breeding stock. clowns, cardinals, blennies ..etc. really looking for a mated pair of lawnmower blennies, would take these even if they are not yet fully mature.
  18. snwmnky007

    Who to Choose? Best (looking) pest control fish?

    With everyone trying their hardest to QT, dip, and keep parameters perfect, it still can happen. Pests! Maybe bristle worms, Aiptasia, flatworms, or hair algae. The question what do YOU use for that unexpected nuisance? there are a lot of short term cures but what would you want to put and KEEP...
  19. Snake132

    Lawnmower blenny sick help me.

    Help me he is sick
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