
  1. H

    EMERGENCY Small larva living in filter NEED SOLUTION ASAP

    What are they and how to get rid of them? What product to use safe for fish and coral. Thanks
  2. L

    Breeding Garden Eels

    Hello :) My Garden Eels have been spawning kind of semi-regularly for a few years now. I have caught and hatched the eggs a few times but never been able to get the larvae past 11-14dph. I'm assuming it's down to what I'm feeding them. I have one batch parvo calanus pods but they didn't survive...
  3. dbati

    Possible Crab Spawn?

    I’m not sure how this works but it looks like I have baby somethings all over the place. This was filmed last night. This morning there is no trace of them but I’ll keep you posted if they’re back at night. The only thing they can be is baby crabs as I don’t have 2 of anything else in my...
  4. LatinKing

    Question: Siphon or move pot to a fry tank???

    Question for experience clownfish breeder. Wondering what percentage will siphon the larvae after hatching in the same tank or do you take out the pot and move to a fry tank to hatch? Which is your preference and why? For those that siphon, please explain procedure and what materials is used.
  5. radiata

    Varying the Zooplankton?

    My LFS sells grass shrimp as feeders ($.25@). They are pretty hardy, and I expect that they will spawn in a marine setup. I don't want to raise them - they probably go through a half dozen different larval stages, each one with their own specific food requirement. BUT, if I were to put a few...