larg build

  1. F

    Build Thread Big Peninsula in the high desert - Cade 1800 S2/P!

    Big things are happening! My ultimate end goal with this tank is an SPS dominate mixed reef that’s as stable, automated, and low maintenance as possible. Easier said than done, certainly. The tank Has arrived! Now to sort out a way to get in place and on the stand……
  2. R

    Picking a new aquarium help

    I don't know which tank to upgrade to I currently have a 136 gal and want to go bigger the 2 I have narrowed it down to are the red sea REEFER™ 3XL 900 and the red sea REEFER-S 1000 I would love to see photos of both empty from the top also if any one knows where I can order either from in...
  3. NEFFx

    The perfect stand - Some Ideas and Yours?

    So, maybe this is obvious, though I have a built a few stands in my day and seen a good bit of them over the years. That said they all look rather similar. I was building a stand for my 240g and wanted to try something a little different, and came up with the below. I thought it was a good idea...
Frag Farm