$75 per polyp in Carlsbad CA
Additional $50 for shipping in US
Will ship whole frag for $375 including shipping
For DOA- If shipping will need photos and video within two hours of delivery arrival BEFORE you open bag. Upon opening will need water temperature. Will replace coral if available...
I have 2 sunkist bounce mushrooms available for $100 ea.
Also there are Krakatoas for $100 each polup available. Discount on more than one polup per frag.
New picture
This picture was taken about a month ago, the frag on the top left is the same as frag as the new picture.. On the right are...
Seattle Area-Bothell
I have some frags available for locals, sorry no shipping at the moment. If your interested in any of theses let me know. Also will consider giving a discount if you want to buy more than one.
Sunkist Bounce Mushroom (1) $150 about 7/8 inch in this pic. In lower light it...
Hey Guys,
I have to make some space in my frag racks. All prices for the first photo are WYSIWYG. The rest of the photos I will quote a PP price in the list to follow, I have 3-5 frags of each ready to go, rest will need to be cut and heal. Shipping is $50 flat lower 48 and $25 in Florida...
I don’t know about you, but I’ve always been curious about how some zoas get their names. There’s almost an art to picking one with a good ring to it. Trying to have the name, the pattern, the colors of the zoa collide and become something special. Utter Chaos, Flaming Mohican, Krakatoa. I...