kole tang

  1. M

    New Jersey Live Goods Yellow Eyed Kole Tang, Female Macropharyngodon Meleagris Wrasse, Linespot Flasher Wrasses - Pickup Only 0- SOLD

    Im converting my 150 gallon to freshwater and setting up a nano reef tank. Unfortunately the nano won’t be big enough for my yellow eyed kole tang, leopard wrasse and linespot flasher. I’ve had all three for a year plus and quarantined them before adding them to the tank. All are very...
  2. C

    Illinois Live Goods Leaving hobby live stock for sale.

    I have some fish for sale, I'm looking for them to go as a whole, not looking to split up. I have 4 Tangs(yellow, kole, sailfin, hippo) 2 triggers ( niger, pineapple) 1 spot foxface, squirrel, rabbit fish, cardinalfish and 1 clown. Fish are about 4 to 5 inches. I'm not looking to split or sale...
  3. RickG

    Fish ID Kole Tang?

    Can anybody id this little guy? Not sure if a variation of the kole tang or a juvenile? Have had him for some months now.
  4. RickG

    Juvenile Kole Tang

    Just got a little juvenile kole tang, but he isn't eating. He looks fine and pecks all day at the rocks but is not taking food. When should I start to worry?
  5. marisp127

    Coloring of Tomini and Kole Tangs

    Curiosity question here. Do the tomini and kole tangs darken in color with age or is it just random special variation? I’ve seen tominis with a pale grayish colored body and then ones almost black. A similar thing seems happens with the koles with that light orange color in the body to a deep...
  6. jackalexander

    Final Fish Choices

    Looking for a final fish to add into my 65g 4ft and thought of a smaller tang like kole tangs and bristoletooth tangs. I really want a yellow eye kole tang but it seems like they were affected by the Hawaii ban. Any suggestions? (Price Range: $50-120) I have: 2 clowns YWG Melanurus Longnose Hawk
  7. jackalexander

    Tang Tank Size

    I want to keep a kole yellow eye tang in my larger tank (100 gallons) but some of the other tangs in there are large so I don’t want it to get picked on. The kole tang is about 1 inch at my LFS. I wanted to know if I could keep it short term in my 2ft, 35 gallon tank.
  8. 96Duck

    EMERGENCY Kole tang Bacterial infection???

    Hey there, I recently added a kole tang into my 5ft display tank with 3 other tangs (sailfin, powder blue, blue hippo). Fish looked fine prior to being introduced but within 1hour he now has face markings that looks to be from some form of disease/ infection/ fungi. He also has a few white...
  9. W

    Yellow Eye Kole Tang Skin Issues

    Purchased this yellow eye kole tang a couple days ago. No signs of stress/distress and eating well. He's in a 6-ft long, 150-gallon tank with some rocks, RTBA, and a few soft corals, as well as a blue hippo tang, two clownfish, a sand sifting goby, and a flame shrimp. Wondering if he's scratched...
  10. Learning_uncle

    EMERGENCY Newbie need help with Kole Tang

    Please help, Today i spotted something like wound on my yellow eye kole tang. She’s perfectly fine yesterday. Any suggestion of what happen and how to cure
  11. BighohoReef

    HLLE on my Tang?

    Reading, comparing, treating... I went to FishMD and am self-diagnosing my Kole which I think has HLLE (Head and Lateral Line Erosion disease) He has patches on the underside near the left side flipper. I started treating him with beta glucan I can't keep him still long enough to take a...
  12. Spydersweb

    Weird tang behavior

    So I got a Kole tang about a week ago. Plump, eating well, zipping around the qt and seems very healthy. He does this weird thing though. Once in awhile, he’ll do this little scoot backwards once or twice, then go back to zipping around. It seems like he only does this when he knows I’m looking...
  13. Sakosreef

    Yellow Kole eye tang bullying leopard wrasse

    Hi everyone, hope you’re doing well. Today I introduced a 2 inch yellow Kole eye tang into my 75 gallon tank and I’m having some aggression. I currently have a canary blenny, a cardinal, a flasher wrasse, a leopard wrasse, and a sleeper head goby. My leopard wrasse was in the sand when I...
  14. Zachvet

    Tomini / Kole / Yellow Tangs

    Hey folks, Want to get your opinion on tang compatibility. I am upgrading from a 75 display to a 125, 6ft display (the tanks coming tomorrow and ill start my build right away). I currently have a Tomini and a pair of clowns - my motivation behind the 6ft tank was to get my tomini the space he...
  15. M

    Freckles on Kole Tang

    Sorry for the noob post, but I’ve had a Kole for about 12 months. I feed a variety of flake, pellet, frozen and live food 2x a day plus nori clips every day. For the past month I’ve noticed these symmetrical “freckles” on the nose of the Kole getting more intense. What is this? Is it normal as...
  16. DSmithZ28

    White Mouth on Kole Tang

    I have had this guy in QT for about 6 weeks and can not get him healed up. Did observation for 2 weeks and got him used to QT life and he is eating great. Good weight and color. Dosed Prazi (normal procedure) and was feeding Metroplex/focus for some other fish that had worms. He was getting it...
  17. Struggler

    A Purple Kole Tang?

    Hello, I have been looking to add a Kole Tang to my 90 gallon and I have notice that some of the Kole tangs that I have seen have either been brown or purple in color. Can anyone explain to me this difference and how I could order a kole tang so that it will specifically be more on the purple...
  18. M

    Yellow eye kole tang w/ white stomach

    I have a yellow eye kole tang who has been in quarantine for a couple of weeks but he has develop a white coloration in his stomach. Anyone know whats going on??
  19. TCReef84

    Major Aggression After Last Addition

    Hello, I am running a 75 gallon reef tank and have recently added a juvenile Kole Tang to my current stock list which includes two ocellaris clownfish, one banggai cardinal, one fairy wrasse, and a sand hopper blenny. After acclimating the Kole it took quite well to it’s new environment. The...
  20. Struggler

    Help Picking A Tang!

    Hello guys I'm new to the hobby and still currently choosing my stocking on a 90 gallon tank I have. Currently I have 2 blue/green chromis. I am going to be adding two Ocellaris clownfish this friday and would like to add a reef safe wrasse, a Foxface Rabbit fish and then a Tang best friend for...
  21. potatocouch

    Algae eater for 55g tank - taking suggestions

    Our Kole Tang just passed away yesterday evening; the Nemos are fine, Corals are thriving; params are good. The Kole Tang has done tremendous job in cleaning algae, particularly those on the rocks and I am keen to find his replacement, which I hope would do similar or better job, whilst...
  22. R

    New kole tang

    I have a 2yr established 125 gal tank and I just got a kole tang for it. Drip acclimated it and then put it in a Q tank. It seems to be breathing a little fast. Other than that its acting normal as it is actively swimming around the tank and picking at rocks. Just wondering if things were ok. My...
  23. Ayzel1

    Yellow eye issues.

    Hello and salutations!! I have been reading post from R2R for the last year or so. I have found very valuable info in this site and I would like to say thank you to all. I have been keeping fish for the last 10 years since my wife wanted to get my kids an aquarium, and I would be the one taking...
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