killing corals

  1. wvfeefkeeper80

    Anemone and coral

    I’ve read many threads about anemone killing coral, but I’m more curious in the process and what that looks like. I have a BTA on a rock and hasn’t moved since about the second day. I’ve a number of soft coral (zoa, toadstool, cabbage, xenia and goni) and know the BTA can kill. But how? Just...
  2. E

    Red Sea no pox melting corals

    Has anyone ever had Red Sea n03 p04x melt any of their soft corals? Every time I put it in my tank no matter the dose I see them shrivel up before my eyes and then they die soon after, I am putting it in the back of my drain box to let it mix with the water and through the sump before it ends up...
  3. ThunderGoose

    Killing corals - guilt and questions

    Like many new reefers I bought an aggressive coral that got out of control. In my case it was a branching form of GSP. I still love the look but it spread too far. I fragged some and I'm going to try to "carpet" the back wall of the tank. But that left me with a lot of leftover. I spent about...
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