killed fish

  1. 1epauletteshark

    Nassarius snail kills and eats bicolor blenny

    First of all, yes it is a nassarius snail and not a predatory whelk. Half an hour is so ago I had seen one of my nassariuses covering the opening to the shell my blenny lives in and a bumble bee shrimp clawing at it from behind to be let in, I though this was weird but didn’t think anything of...
  2. A

    What killed my wrasses?

    Hey guys so I recently purchased a wrasse as well as a new CUC I brought Scarlett hermit crabs, a cleaner shrimp, blue leg hermit crabs, and a couple snails. Now I have a emeral crab from my last clean up crew and the emerald, cleaner shrimp and blood fire shrimp all hang out on and in the...
  3. shanzfish

    Stupid mistake killed my favourite fish

    Just performing routine maintenance yesterday and I pushed some gravel to the side against the bottom rocks in my tank. This was because I was trying to scoop up the diatoms that popped up on the gravel. Little did I know, I trapped my beautiful flame Angel in the rocks work. Didn’t realise...
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