kh test

  1. Elbereth

    Need help with Nutrafin KH test

    I'm confused with the Nutrafin KH test. The directions say to stop / read the value when the colour turns lime or yellow but because it takes 2 or 3 drops to go from green to completely yellow, I'm not sure at what point to stop. I used to use the API KH test and that turns yellow much faster so...
  2. W

    Simple DIY Automatic Alkalinity Tester - Phase #1: testing drop count

    Starting a new project for Simple DIY Automatic Alkalinity Tester for a common man with can be created and printed easily with minimum cost. Currently starting with: -Api KH bottle -Speed Sensor Module -
  3. Tangina20

    Low Kh and calcium in reef tank

    I just got test kits for these two things and it says my calcium is 340 and kh is 17.9ppm or 1dkh with api test kits. What should I do to get these levels up??? I also don’t understand the difference between all, dkh, and kh.
  4. ktigs

    High Readings

    Hey guys! I just received the Red Sea tests for Alk, Ca and Mg yesterday. I just got finished with these tests and my readings are somewhat high. I did compare the results with API tests I already owned (Ca & Mg) and they were spot on with each other. I currently DO NOT dose my tank for any of...
  5. Zwogle

    Red Sea KH test kit

    I have been using API's kit which was pretty easy to read (pretty steady at 8.5-9), but wanted to try out Red Sea. I'm wondering if anyone has any guidance on using this test, i'm trying to figure out when the correct color change happens. Another question is, do the color ranges in the...
Reef Diaper