
  1. Eyezik

    Kenya Tree Shedding or Dead?

    Both my kenya trees are grey and shrunken, they are not limp. My LFS said they may be “sunburned” which I think was another way to say shedding. I just bought a new light and very likely could have had it to bright. What do you think?
  2. Lacrette1991

    Build Thread Kenya Tree vs Bubble Tip

    Hey everyone, just thought I’d share some more photos of my aquarium. stocked with 2 ocellaris clowns, 1 pink skunk clown, 1 blunt head wrasse, 1 cleaner shrimp, various clean up crew. Corals are Kenya Tree, Bubble Tip Anemone, Pulsing Xenia, Green star polyps, devilsfinger, forest fire...
  3. Freakmachine01

    Entire tank crashed after move!!!!!

    Hello all. I am a newbie to the hobby, but I got addicted so fast I love it. My tank has been up and doing great for the past year. I have made many improvements and have learned all lot. I moved this past week and after 1 day of moving the tank, everything died. All the corals, All the fish...