keep it simple

  1. educatedreefer

    Nano Build 10 Gallon Nano Reef Build

    Hello everyone! This is my 10 gallon nano reef tank and is about 1.5 years old with many corals growing out of it and going into my larger display tank. In the photo, the corals aren’t showing their typical PE as I just stuck my hand in the tank to pick up a fallen frag and caused them to slime...
  2. K

    Build Thread My tank setup

    RedSea 300 XL Here’s what the tank has: 2 clownfish-1 bullet hole and 1 Wyoming white both have paired with anemone 1 yellow tang 1 peppermint shrimp 1 skunk cleaner shrimp 1 orange spotted goby 1 six line wrasse 1 large RBTE 1 urchin 1 sand sifting star fish 2 tiger conches 1 tail spot...
  3. Hoshiaki

    What fish would be comfortable with little to no decor?

    I’m currently transitioning a 45 gallon freshwater tank to a saltwater one. I was wondering if i could keep it simple with maybe one medium/big fish, sand or bare bottom, and little to no decor? I don’t see much on simple set ups like this. Are there saltwater fish that would be comfortable? If...
  4. RetiredDoc59

    New to New R2R

    Full tank shot. Iphone6 thru free orange glasses. 90g. Five year old rock and sand. Corals and nems one year.
Pacific East