
  1. th365thli

    Copper power with Kanaplex or Ruby Reef Rally?

    Recent events have me decide it best for me to treat my FOWLR display tank. I've just about moved all the inverts into a separate tank to go fallow. I plan on using Copper Power. For full coverage, would I be able to do Kanaplex or Ruby Rally at the same time? I also have Prazi but I don't...
  2. R

    Kanaplex usage up to 3 doses

    My seahorse is suffering from snout rot and I've been using Kanaplex to heal her. It says up to 3 doses and I hit that 3rd dose yesterday. Can I repeat a 4th, and possibly a 5th dose if need be? Do I need to change the water out if I can do the 4th dose?
  3. jackalexander

    Help with quarantine

    I just treated with focus + kanaplex + metroplex for 14 days then 14 days of copper and now 14 days of observation. During this period, I have been doing frequent water changes bringing copper down to 0.33ppm. I am preparing for 2 melanurus wrasses and I’m wondering how I can get copper to a...
  4. Reefer_93

    Help!!! Please!!

    Hello! I currently have a powder blue tang in a 20g Long QT. I bought him from petco and for the first 3 days he looked great, beautiful color and everything. I then noticed slight twitching and scratching against the pvc in the tank. With that being said i decided to start treatment with Ruby...
  5. polyppal

    My EZ Medicated Frozen Fish Food Recipe

    Wanted to share my simple recipe for medicated frozen food with the community. I feed this to all of my fish through QT, and my DT on occasion, and have been very successful in treating bacterial/fungal/internal parasites/worms with it. Its nothing particularly unique or special, but I have...
  6. Fer21

    Need help with treatment for wrasse

    Hello, I have a Red Fin Fairy Wrasse wich was doing very well until this past Monday when I found it laying in the sand with some type of mocus, it was very lethargic and he was not eating. I observe and research what could this be and at night I catch it and gave it a bath in Rally. During...
  7. Cfellini91

    Coral Beauty Angel Fish Eye Popping and Cloudy

    Last night I noticed that my Coral Beauty Angel Fish has one eye that is swollen and looks as if it is going to pop out. It is cloudy and looks like a cloudy white slime is over it. I did a 5 gal WC last night. It seems that it wouldn't be Popeye because it is only one eye. I just got home...
  8. R

    Help Treating Fin Rot

    Hi All, I have a Kole Tang and clown in QT that appear to have fin rot. I've just completed a 10 day treatment of Kanaplex and Furan 2, and now it seems the Tang is not eating. I've read that antibiotics can be an appetite suppressant, but for how long do the affects last? Also, will the fins...
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