
  1. Trinh Fish & Corals

    School of (5) Juvenile Orange Shoulder Tangs $50/each or $225/all FREE SHIPPING

    School of (5) Juvenile Orange Shoulder Tangs $50/each or $225/all FREE SHIPPING I have a school of (5) Baby Orange Shoulder Tangs. They are all peaceful & swim together! $50 each or $225 for the school (FREE UPS NEXT DAY AIR SHIPPING)
  2. D

    HELP! Now-Juvenile Mandarin keeps getting pulled into C2C overflow

    Hi all! For a little background, my boyfriend has been planning his reef tank for about eight years (he even chose his apartment in the city he lived in before we met so it could sustain a 400 gallon reef tank). After a 29 gallon gift, 100 gallon tank COVID project, we now have a 100gal tank...
  3. McThicc

    Emperor angel

    So I’m not sure what this could be? I fallowed my tank and have my fish in a 40 gallon drilled reservoir. There is copper in this tank but before I even moved him he started turning white. He eats really good everyday even when he was in my dt. Could he be changing color to adult? Or is this a...
  4. B

    Something i didnt know was possible

    Just curious is anyone else has seen this or can shed some light on it. A while back I picked up an atlantic blue tang that was going through transition (blue body, yellow tail). While in qt the tang reverted back to its juvenile colors and has shown no sign of transitioning. Fish is healthy no...
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    My Baby Naso Tang, “Darlin’”
  6. Nezmo

    New Video Amazing Transformations, Caribbean Edition

    As aquarium keepers, we often only get to see one phase of a fishes lifespan, and some not at all, because of size. One thing that struck me when I first went out on the reefs was the various phases of fishes, from the juveniles through various sexes and adult fish that I had never seen before...