joes juice

  1. Evan28395950

    Joe’s Juice Question

    Hi all, I’m about to use joes juice for my Aiptasia, and I have a few questions. 1. If any of Juice gets into my good bubbletip anemone, will it kill it? 2. Is ok to use for anemones in my filtration area (biocube)? 3. If my fish try to eat it, will they be alright?
  2. Evan28395950

    Joe’s Juice

    Hi all, I’ve got about 3 aiptasia and I’m going to purchase joes juice. Only question I have, is it safe to use around my good anemones, they’re somewhat close to aiptasia, and also is it safe to use for one attached to my maxima clam? When injection I’ll turn off flow to maximize accuracy
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