jelly fish

  1. Joseph3

    Jellyfish ID help

    Hello! Has anybody seen this species of jellyfish before? I’ve been doing a sort of unintentional ecosphere experiment and these things just appeared. There’s probably a couple hundred of them resting on the sand. They seem to jump around randomly.
  2. Baffels

    California Aquariums Drygoods Medusa Jellyfish Aquarium

    Selling my desktop Medusa Jellyfish Aquarium. Works perfect for most Jellys! I had blue cannonballs in it for 6 months. Has an "AIO" section in the back, but would advise using a external filter (I have one I can sell in addition to the tank). No lowballs but I am willing to talk about...
  3. OfficeReefer

    Awesome Jellyfish Aquariums! Anyone seen these before?

    While strolling through the elbows of people at Aquashella today, my kids and I came across the most interesting tank but it had jellyfish! We had to pick one up as something like this is usually only seen at the beach far south, making this a really cool find. Anyone seen any of these tanks...
  4. H

    Hello Introduction

    Hello! I am on this forum for a different reason. I am a land hermit crab owner. I have a 200 gallon aquarium with a 10 gallon saltwater pool inside. I am one of the few people who have been able to breed land hermit crabs, but I have no been successful in getting them from the water to land...
  5. T

    Clownfish and jelly fish are friends?

    i saw in vids that anemone are jellyfish family. Are my clownfish going to like jellyfish as tank mates? There is also a moon wrasse neighbor..
  6. Cassiopea tank

    Cassiopea tank

    Cassiopea jellyfish
  7. R

    What is this?

    I’m having trouble figuring out what this thing is, a couple of them came on a clump of spaghetti algae I had purchased. I will post some pictures down below. Sometimes I will notice them swimming through the water column like a jelly fish when I shut off the pumps for couple minutes to feed my...
  8. El_Guapo13

    Upside Down Jellyfish questions

    I had posted this in another thread that was discussing various jellyfish care, but the thread has had no activity since mid 2018. So I decided to increase my chances of getting the advice and answers I need by starting a new thread. My original post from the other thread: So first, in my reef...
  9. shiftline

    Build Thread ReefDudes JellyFish Art Nano Journey

    I have now been keeping jellyfish for 6 months and love the little guys, I find them extremely relaxing and super easy to care for. In order to help other aspiring JellyFish keepers I decided to start a How-to jellyfish series where I walk through all the needed information to successfully...