Hi all!
I recently bought two little green clown gobies and added them to my tank.
My young Tomini Tang who is normally super chilled and gets on with everyone is trying to hunt these new little gobies down. They’re good at hiding but I fear he’ll eventually catch and kill them. Would you...
Hey guys. I have a 60 gal reef tank about 18 months old. a mated pair of long tail fancy clownfish we’re the first fish in there. They were very small and now much bigger. Since then I have added a lot of other fish but recently the male has been going after certain new ones, killing a few. I...
Hey there! New to saltwater but not new to the aquarium hobby—we have a 90gallon (4 month old) reef tank whose inhabitants are 2 emerald crabs, roughly 6 hermits, 8 snails, and 4 juvenile Ocellaris clowns (2 black ice and 2 bulletholes—they’re orange). We got the original four because they were...