is it healthy

  1. wvfeefkeeper80

    Echinata healthy?

    I’ve had a Lord coral for a while and it’s doing really good, so I thought I’d get an echinata as they’re similar. I’ve been able to feed it, but does it look open and happy? I expected its lobes to be as open and bouncy as the Lord. Appreciate anyone’s expertise.
  2. A


    I just set up a QT, and I used IO salt. There is a light brown precipitate on the bottom. Is it safe for fish? If not should I siphon it out? From my understanding it’s a basically a hard sand, but I’m not sure if it will impact any medications like copper or metro.
  3. N

    Could I keep just a strong, deep blue light on for my saltwater tank during the day or would white be better?

    So I have a cheap aquarium light from Amazon that has two modes, "blue" and "white." The thing was like 30-50 bucks (i can't remember) and it fits on my 30-gallon tank. I recently put some new zoanthids in the tank (which has no coral, only 2 healthy clowns) and have been putting them under the...