invert care

  1. sharkyahd

    First Tank Addition

    TLDR: I want to add a sexy shrimp or two. Alright everyone my Small but Mighty tank is up and running, has been showing stable parameters and good growth so I would love to add my first invert. A sexy shrimp. Currently we have no inverts or fish so it will be the first addition to our tank...
  2. Alexopora

    Introducing sexy shrimp gone wrong

    Just made a big mistake hopefully this serves as a caution for others keeping sexy shrimps with Yellow Watchman Goby. I have had an existing colony of six sexy shrimps with my Yellow Watchman Goby & Pistol Shrimp pair. I decided to add 5 more sexy shrimps hence after acclimating I was adding...
  3. GhostInTheShell

    Happy Birthday to Me! (Ghost the Baby Bonsai Giant)

    My name is Ghost. The video above features one clip or photo from all 365 days I have been imprisoned. Watch me grow! I was once a small crustacean larva living in the Yucatán Caribbean Sea. I found a tiny beautiful shell, but the next thing I know I was out of the sea. Looking around, I...
  4. A

    Just a couple shrimp questions

    Hey all, so for over the past year or so I’ve tried to keep cleaner and fire shrimp in my reef tank, but for some reason I can’t keep them alive for any longer than a few months. It always comes to me checking out the tank one morning, and seeing what looks like a molted exoskeleton and the...
  5. C

    Staghorn Hermit Question

    I’ve had a Staghorn hermit for about a week now. He is clearly picking at/eating from the substrate of the tank. The hydroid looks healthy and I can see extension so it seems to be taking in Phyto and whatever else from the water column. It doesn’t move very far though and I’m trying to figure...
  6. R

    Pink Spiny Cucumber Care

    Hi everyone! I went to my LFS yesterday to pick up some more inverts for my aquarium, specifically sand sifting inverts since my sand bed is thickish and gets dirty. I picked up 3 nassarius vibex snails and a sea cucumber. The sea cucumber I picked up was a pink spiny sea cucumber. I know...