
  1. jaime31

    IM DESPERATE!! Feather duster invasion

    idk how I got these tiny feather duster guys in the first place but they are getting completely out of control. I really don’t mind them on my rockwork but they are completely covering my eagle eye zoa. I’ve tried picking at them and brushing them off with no luck.. I heard from my lfs that a...
  2. nightmarepl

    Vermetid snail HOW to kill them help!

    so i got invaded by these darn Vermetid snail absolutely hate and want destroy them all within 2 days i had 4 on my hammer coral keep him 1/3 the size have liek 3 on my toadstool I’ve tried ripping them off currently ordered some stainless steel clippers to start chopping but is there any...
  3. Florida Sunshine

    Hydroids - How do I eliminate- They have taken over my tank

    So I have this stuff that has pretty much taken over my tank and I can't get rid of it. I'm looking for an ID and an eradication plan that is anything short of a total teardown.
  4. Zoolife xD


    hey guys i have a few questions on flatworms but first let me add some background information, i currently have a nano aquarium set up for a G. chiragra mantis shrimp and i has some other cuc in there as well but no corals or fish just a marine planted tank if you will dominated by macro algae...
Reef Kinetics