
  1. several people

    Hello Introducing Myself to the Class

    Hi, Anyone who reads my very first post will get to know that my name is April :) I chose "Several People" as my profile name bc I thought it'd be funny to see that several people wanted to ask or comment on the forums. This way the things I post will seem legit. (Some of my jokes I do for...
  2. Perpetual Novice

    Introducing leopard wrasse female to established male

    I’m finally restoring my neglected tank and am getting around to adding back to my stocking list. On the list is a female melagaris leopard wrasse to pair with the male I currently have. I once had two females and one transitioned to male. But I lost the remaining female and the male has been...
  3. A

    How can introduce livestock from a dinoflagellates infested tank to a new one safely?

    I have a hermit crab and a turbo snail that were in a dinoflagellates infested tank. If i introduce them to my tank, will i be introducing the dinoflagellates as well?
  4. Fragmented Wolf

    Hello New to hobby! I'm nervous!

    Hey, everybody. As the title states, I'm new to the hobby... Well, I guess that's not entirely true. I remember having a saltwater aquarium in my house in the mid 90s and recall my mother killing a fish nearly every month! Hopefully I don't continue that trend. I actually feel like it's...
  5. Perpetual Novice

    Is it ever safe to add damsels as a late addition?

    I have a 100 gallon tank with several small tangs, a rabbitfish, a pair of leopard wrasses, two clowns, a canary blenny, and a pearly jawfish. there is a ton of live rock and places to hide. My tank has been stable with these fish for about 3 months now and I am thinking about introducing a...
Queen City Corals