internal protein skimmer

  1. T

    Skimmers Dry Goods eSsence S-130 Internal Protein Skimmer - Reef Octopus - will ship - $250 obo

    I bought this skimmer about 4 months before we gave up on the tank due to time and space limitations. It's in great shape; very clean, lightly used. I bought it from bulk reef supply in Jan 2022: All components...
  2. mattdg

    Upgrading My Skimmer - Your Recommendations for a 120 mixed reef

    Hey all. I am going to upgrade the skimmer in my 120 gallon, heavily stocked, mixed reef. I am not into heavy skimming. I do employ several means of nutrient export. With that said, I am currently very underpowered with my Reef Octopus SS110, which though WAY undersized, has been an awesome...