
  1. unknown_callet

    need help please

    I have had a goldie for over 3 years and woke up to a serious wound this morning. I'm thinking he maybe got caught by my bubble tip anemone, which is a new addition but it hasn't even opened up fully yet, it has left me perplexed. Just tested the water 2 weeks ago and everything was within...
  2. S

    Not sure what happened to royal gramma. Eye injury of some sort.

    I’m not sure what happened. I noticed today that my Midas blenny was gone. I eventually found my Midas blenny had passed and was already pretty much all gone. I had kind of seen this coming as he kept getting skinnier and skinnier even though I was feeding him daily and everyone else was happy...
  3. Ocypode sinensis

    Yellowhead jawfish injured, what medications should I use?

    Just got my yellowhead jawfish today, found out that he got an injury on his head, what should I do? Currently in a TTM quarantine, along with three butterflies. @Jay Hemdal @vetteguy53081
  4. N

    Swollen Gill

    I purchased this orchid dottyback 2 weeks ago and It has had this one slightly puffed gill the entire time. At least I think it is slightly enlarged from its other. I thought maybe it was just an injury it sustained as I got two and they quarrelled the first day. They both hunt pods constantly...
  5. H4kimWibowo27


    Hello! My name is Hakim, i'm from Indonesia and i'm 12 years old. So, i think i need immediate help, because the mesenterial filaments of one of my ppate coral is spilling out! Basically it looks like the flesh many holes in the bottom side of the plate coral, causing many bursts of the...
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