
  1. Erik the Red

    Macroalgae - EU availability/shops

    Hello, I’m realising a gorgonian tank and macroalgae would suit in just perfect. I haven’t found any EU shop that sells them (excluding UK due to Brexit). Coralaxy currently has only one type of macroalgae, but thats all I could find. Can anyone help me? Cheers
  2. MarineDepot

    Explore Our Blog to Grow Your Aquarium Knowledge!!!

    We encourage all of our loyal customers to explore our Marine Depot Blog. We have talented writers who are showcasing helpful guides, the hottest trends, and expert tips and techniques to make your aquarium keeping experience more enjoyable. Our blog database is home to a wealth of knowledge...
  3. G

    DSB for Burrowing Species

    Hey! I'm currently aggressively researching absolutely everything I can as I plan and save to set up a 120 gallon tank! Something that has really eluded a concrete answer from my perspective is the use of a DSB for burrowing species. In my 120 I'm hoping to house an Engineer Goby, a Jawfish, A...
  4. The_Barrs_Reef

    Any Good Magazines Out There?

    Hey everyone I’m looking for like a monthly magazine to subscribe to, just somthing to look forward to getting in the mail and catch up with what’s going on in the world and aquarium life, is there anything good out there like that or is Google the only way to go now a days? Thanks in advance!!
  5. sotsreef

    I have a few questions...

    Recently I went to a lfs and saw one of the cutest fish ever, the cubicus boxfish. I am fully aware that they can grow up to around 10” in captivity, but this info is different depending on who you talk to. Also I know that they are recommended for experienced aquarists only due to the toxic...