
  1. TopShelfAquatics

    Who doesn't love some nice MEATY LPS!?!?

    Just a taste of some of the AMAZING LPS pieces we have at our farm. Definitely some awesome center pieces. Send us a PM with any questions
  2. PV Reefs

    Ultra Indophyllia
  3. QCC Swamp Monster Indophyllia

    For sale North Carolina QCC Swamp Monster Indophyllia

    What happens when you mix an insane Cynarina with a stunning Acanthophyllia? You get this amazing QCC Swamp Monster Indophyllia! With greens, pinks, purples, yellows, reds, and blues this coral is the perfect centerpiece for someone who wants something unique that still looks phenomenal!
  4. PV Reefs

    LPS SALE (Torch, acantho, cynarina)

    A bunch of high end lps just uploaded
  5. Coral Headz

    Coral Headz - Hot Yellow Striped Indophyllia

    Yellow Striped Indophyllia
  6. PV Reefs


    I have a bunch of unique pieces including multi headed cynarina and indophyllia. A few rainbow acanthos, and a one of a kind 4 headed rainbow pinstripe acantho. 4 Headed Pinstripe Acantho 6 Headed cynarina Rainbow Acantho Rainbow Acantho
  7. A

    Help with meat corals

    I need some help guys. For some context I have 3 acanthophyilla, 1 Indophyilla, 2 cynarina and 1 Wellso in my 3 year old HOB filter tank. I’ve had some for a couple weeks, months and upward to a year. I got my first acanthophyilla shipped across state lines which arrived late and damaged, it...
  8. noober

    Small Black bump on Skeleton of Indo/Cynarina

    Hi guys, just got my first meaty coral. I'm not sure if it's a Cynarina or an Indo. But I noticed there is a small black bump on the skeleton. No signs of color. It's only visible when I feed it and it recedes, otherwise it has been completely healthy and color has been amazing. Is it a baby...
  9. RiptideAquaculture

    What's the difference between a Indophyllia macassarensis or a Cynarina ?Are the scientist Wrong?

    Who’s Wrong? So we spent some time looking this up and apparently Indophyllia macassarensis is a hobby name. Reef Builders Article- The true name as the scientific community is considered is a Cynarina For...
  10. Mr_Knightley

    USA Indophyllia Realistic Sculpture, orange/green ~5"

    Hey there! I'm putting one of my artworks up for sale to raise money for MACNA tickets as well as to make more room for more projects. I've got a thread that I use to showcase my artworks as I make them, feel free to take a look! (link...
  11. Mr_Knightley

    Sharing some of my art and sculpture with you guys.

    Hey there everyone! I've got some art to share with you all, hope you enjoy the thread as it develops over the months. I've been working on some sculptures lately that I plan to sell (possibly through R2R), but wanted to gauge the market out there before I started making too many of them...
  12. Mr_Knightley

    Official Acanthophyllia, Cynarina, and Indophyllia show off (and appreciation) thread!

    So... I noticed that only true "pet corals", Acanthos, Cynos, and the like, don't yet have an appreciation thread. So here it is! Post pictures and ask questions here. Acanthos & relatives,in my opinion, are some of the coolest corals out there. They come in so many different forms and...
Top Shelf Aquatics