
  1. VanCityReef

    Please help identify this nuisance algae! Rapidly taking over my tank

    Went away for a week and came home to this completely taking over my sump. Protein skimmer working very hard. Used up half my reef mat in 3 days. It feels very slimy and comes apart quite easily. The consistency almost feels like slime around a piece of string, but the second you touch it, it...
  2. fishandstangs

    Aiptasia maybe?

    Have a couple of these in my tank. At first I thought it was just another aiptasia. But I see closer the tentacles are shorter and yellow. Looks a little nicer too but not sure if they’re bad. Any help would be appreciated. I included a couple pictures hope they’re clear enough.
  3. M

    What snail is this?

    Hey guys I’m an employee of a retail pet shop. This snail came in on my frag shipment and was found on the wall of the frag tank the next day. Anyone know what kind it is and if it’s reef safe?
  4. gr2

    Help with water bugs

    Hi everyone I attached a video of these super tiny clear/milk color bugs that float around my tank or usually crawl onto my plants. It’s been 6 weeks since I started up this freshwater aquarium and it is now fully cycled out. I got my needle leaf Java fern from a local aquatic plant seller who...
  5. heybae


    Is this stuff growing around my zoa normal with the holes?
  6. nbaker47

    Question about identifying. Input needed

    Hey everyone I’m Nick! this is my first post! Just wondering if anyone is able to identify the little things swimming near the top of the tank in the red circle when I shut my flow off to replace the filter floss. They seemed to be squirming and swimming pretty quickly! I feel like they could...
  7. L

    Confirmation of aiptasia.

    Hi everyone, New to reef tanks and have a couple of items going on with the tank. Tank is about 90 days old 25 gallon I am pretty sure this little guy is an aiptasia ready to pick up a berghia tomorrow if you all confirm. This is the only one if seen but as everyone says if you have you see...
  8. CaribReef

    Please Help me identify and propagate this!

    Good Day! I have been growing this for years but only after moving to a new tank has this started to pop! now I want to propagate this algae to another side of the tank and I was wondering if anyone can help me identify and give me some tips to propagate this algae successfully
  9. lazycouch

    tentacles or worms on my coral?

    hey guys a lot of you might laugh but i’m new to the hobby and was wondering what this is at the stalk of my new finger leather? i had fed my fish blood worms the other day and thought a couple of them got jammed there but now that i look closer it seems like the tips have feather-like things on...
  10. S

    Anemone identification and care notes

    Had a friend tear down his saltwater tank, he’s decided to go full freshwater scrub. Lol he doesn’t know what it was, he just bought it because he thought his clowns needed it. A new Free healthy tank inhabitant sounded like a winner to me, just curious to what kind of anemone it is and if...
  11. Scape

    Help! What Coral is this

    Hello all, Could someone please help me identify what coral I have! I would really appreciate any answers, as I would really like to know what I have, Thanks for taking your time to read this, I have attached a picture, Thank you, A.A
  12. Aaron Davis

    What is this? (No Pic)

    Hey guys, I was performing maintenance on my tank the other night and saw this dark, forest green substance on a piece of my live rock. Struck me as odd and first thing I thought to do was "GET IT OUT!". So I sucked it up via a large syringe and disposed of it. Wasn't till after did I...
  13. Aaron Davis

    White spot on top part of fish's gill

    Is this ich?
Reef Diaper