ill fish

  1. FishieFlashdrive

    Brunneus Wrasse - Scales sticking out?

    Hi! I got a brunneus Wrasse a few days ago. He's now got some pinecone-y looking scales in his side and some swelling. Any idea what this is or how I treat it? I paid extra to have him quarantined by my local store, because I don't have a great set-up for quarantine. When he came home, he...
  2. C

    ! - sick(?) tailspot blenny

    Hi Everyone, My tailspot blenny is looking a little worse for wear. His belly is now concave, and his face is looking really skinny. It resembles a really skinny person when their cheekbones are visible. He is now sticking to the bottom of the tank, not moving, whereas before (two days ago) he...
Reef Kinetics