idk what it is

  1. agame2021

    what the heck is this?!

    So I am emptying my entire system after about 5 months running… and I find this in the sump it sat stagnant for about 20 hours give or take. It’s looking like a sheet of mucus or plastic but it’s in a shiny clear sheet… but it is in a few different places. I only had a poly(which gave me a run...
  2. leilanastasia

    EMERGENCY Angelfish laying on side & not swimming , still alive!

    My angelfish (coral beauty) is laying in a hiding spot, still alive and on its side. What do I do to keep her alive, and get her back to health? What is this?
  3. ItouchedThebutt

    So im new and found this guy..

    So im new to saltwater. Ive had planted tanks and even have a 45 gallon ciclid tank now. Just so recently decided to take the plunge into the ocean.. I have a 10 gallon nuvo compleatly basic setup. Still in the cycle phase only had the tank up for a week but when adding live rock i found a crab...