
  1. Cristy17

    IDip PO4 reading question

    I use an iDip to test my water. I am confused about the reading it is giving forthe PO4 test. One screen shows a reading of 0.16 ppm (as P) and when I scroll over, the diffent measurement is .49 ppm (as PO4). Which unit am I suppose to be looking at? Thank you in advance!
  2. sebastiaan1985

    Build Thread Fluval M90 with sump using Triton Method

    Hi all, first let me introduce myself briefly. I am Sebastiaan from the Netherlands. I have had several fresh water tanks and several reef tanks for the past few years. (Had to change tanks due to changing home..). My current tank is a customized Fluval M90, with a sump. It has been running...
Biota Marine Life