
  1. MmeAssoc

    What on earth is this thing living under my duncan? Pulled mysis in on a kind of web?

    Does anyone know what this fleshy-looking spiral thing is, at the base of the duncan? Sorry for the blues/poor quality. I can try to get a better picture tomorrow, if it helps. I had thought it was a new head growing - it's been there since I bought the frag two and a half months ago. It's...
  2. B

    Little fruit fly looking things?

    Almost looks like little brown bugs? The other thing I am wondering about is the white ovalish thing. the algae has been a problem too. Tough place to be keeping the tank, filled with sunshine
  3. F


    We have a tiny live rock that we have noticed some stuff growing on. Can anyone help us identify it? Our tank is about 1 month old. Thank you!
  4. Kevin Finocchiaro

    snail identification

    This looks more like a bug from the top and a snail from the bottom. color - black length - without antenna approx. 1.35cm. (with antenna-feelers stretched out approx. 2 cm. shape - flat-oval, like a bug had a strong suction on the glass of the tank is it a reef tank friend or foe ? Keep or...
  5. Sarabeth3412

    Need help identifying red spots on torch

    Hi! Can anyone help me identify the red spot on the skeleton of my torch coral? They’re hard and won’t scrape off with my fingernail. We dipped the coral and it won’t come off either. Any help would be appreciated. It’s nowhere else within the tank and/or on other corals. Hoping it’s...
  6. J

    What kind of coral is this?

    We bought a miscellaneous labeled coral, can anyone identify it? It doesn't look the best, is it dying? Just got it yesterday night.
  7. S

    Is this a Dino cell?

    I’ve been trying to battle this ‘brown algae’ for quite a long time now. I’ve finally gotten a microscope to observe all the cells in my aquarium. Does the picture below look like Dino cells. The cells do move around and they go away at night and come back in the day. This makes me think it is...
  8. M

    Eggs... what the heck are they?!

    Hey guys, pretty new to reefing but I have an Semi established tank, I think it’s been like 4-5 months since I started with Tampa Bay live rock. But I looked at the glass today and saw something hatching? I didn’t see these eggs yesterday or last night but there seems to be little “sprouts”...
  9. argiBK


    These white, spiky protrusions (to the bottom right of the cleaner shrimp) just appeared overnight in my tank. The closest thing I can identify it as might be a pink sponge, especially with sponge on the underside of the rock. Can anyone confirm? Otherwise, any clue what it could be? Thanks!
  10. Drew1600

    Soft Coral Identifcation

    Hi all, I have been keeping freshwater tanks but decided to convert one (10g) over to salt last month, I'm loving it so far. That being said I'm still very new to this and was wondering if anyone would be able to help me identify this frag I picked up today? Additionally, how long should I...
  11. Ancarol2421

    Help ID?

    Hi friends! I’m taking care of this tank at school. Was wondering if anyone knew what these are? Look like some form of anemone but I’m not sure. They’ve pretty much taken over this tank. Thanks in advance!
  12. new2reefing123

    Algae ID please.

    Can you help me identify this algae? It’s only on a couple rocks, I thought it’s bryopsis but I’m not 100% sure. Pulling it off the rocks is difficult but not impossible. The root system holding it down is very strong.
  13. Carebearsss.x

    New Zoaz

    Hey everyone! Yesterday my boyfriend and I went on a coral buying spree :p ! The lady told us the name of this beauty, but I was way to excited and ended up forgetting the name! I think it was along the lines of “Yellow Eyed Monster” but I’m not 100% sure :) Any recommendations? Thanks!!
  14. littlemacros

    Let the identification games begin!

    Okay so apparently I'm not as good at this whole identification thing as I thought...all these things are TINY. Like itty bitty micro tiny. Every photo is taken using a magnifying glass. Are these even living creatures or am I finally losing it watching rocks move? ...I probably should try...
  15. Carebearsss.x


    Hello! Kinda new with the hobby and I’ve found these “Bubble” like things in my tank! Any idea what they might be??
  16. Ozzydeanizzy

    What are these lines of eggs??

    Hi I just noticed these lines of eggs on my glass Are they snail eggs?
  17. CaliDanhReef

    How to ID a black widow anemone?

    I’m thinking about getting a black widow anemone. How do I know I’m getting a black widow and not a rainbow bta? Help please.
  18. Smacks21294


    Found these on an older piece of live rock that was given to me. Tank is 2 months old and the suspected hydroids are not spreading. Moved the rock to quarantine tank just in case. Any ideas on I'd? They are tiny and evenly spread out on the rock.
  19. imarino326

    Duncan species?

    Hey all, I’ve had a tank for sometime now and just put in this new duncan coral, and I’m wondering what the exact species/family of duncan I have. My friend has one and it’s whiskers are very long but mine are very short. I’ve read stuff about flow and all that, but I’ve changed it around and...
  20. A

    What are these?

    I’m trying to identify this “thing”. I noticed it about a week ago and idk if it is a baby anemone or what. It could have been on this rock all along since we have bought it and we are just now are noticing. We currently have 2 anemones in our tank
  21. F

    Mass on coral plug

    Mystery paly or zoa had been growing and healthy for a year and a half however has been retracted for the past two months and has begun to stress a neighboring zoa colony. During todays water change I lifted their rock and from the new perspective saw a mass growing off the coral plug ckoing the...
  22. T

    Help identifying coral

    Can anyone help identify these coral? Sorry for the picture quality. All I have is my phone right now. :/
  23. The1HunnT

    Weird *very* large copepods and short white worms that don’t look like planaria to me.

    As the subject said, I was using my scrubbing magnet which had gone unused for a few weeks as we didn’t have much algae and when I opened the magnet the scrubber side in the tank had several dozen “water insects” for lack of a better word. They were NOT crushed by using it to clean algae off of...
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