id critter

  1. Tuxeedourchin

    Tuxedo urchin hitchhiker??

    Hi everyone I am new here and tried to find a picture of this hitchhiker that came in on one of the corals I currently got but could not find anything. It looks like a baby tuxedo urchin? But I thought I would ask to see if anyone here knew for sure just go be safe. Not sure if it’s good or bad.
  2. diverjm

    Hitchhiker on Zoa plug

    Hey guys, Wondering if anyone know what kind of hitchhiker these are? The are purple/red and look like a snowflake/flower.
  3. R

    Thing growing next to feather duster

    Hey yall. I woke up this morning to find this thing next to my feather duster growing on the rock. It looks like a somewhat opaque hollow ball with two tubes growing out the front. Is this just my feather worm reproducing? Or is it something I need to be worried about?
  4. Yourlocalreefer

    Any idea what these are? Type of copepod?

    Hi I noticed these little while guys a couple days ago. They are all over my rocks in low flow areas and some on the glass, corals and other places on my rock work. I think my wrasse has been picking at them because I see him running around picking at my rocks but I just want to be sure I know...
  5. TwiTch18

    Two critters I'm looking to ID

    Found these critters in my tank today and I'm looking to get some info on them! The first is some sort of Starfish. I noticed it hanging around the other day and decided to leave it alone. Today I seen it on my new corals and decided to get it checked out. Hopefully it's nothing bad.. The...
  6. sparrow78


    Hey there fellow reefers. Tried looking up this one but couldn’t find anything on him. Moves incredibly slow and is about 2cm long. Looks to be yellowish/orange in color and is currently on the sand bed. Hope you can tell me if he’s beneficial or not. Thanks in advance ✌

    ID help please

    Found a few of these in canister…. Not sure if vermintide snail and not turned brown due to no light….
  8. L

    Small black snail with white dot

    I have multiple in my tank. Was curious to what they were, not the best picture but they’re pretty small.
  9. MmeAssoc

    Tiny shellfish attached to my turbo snail?

    Hello, My turbo snail flipped itself over this morning, and when I was helping it back upright I noticed it seems to have a very small critter with a shell attached to it: It has a curved shell that looks a bit like a cockle but seems to only have one side, and a little black 'neck' that is...
  10. S

    Anyone know what could have spawned this??

    I have a long spine urchin, tuxedo urchin, various hermits, emerald crabs, snowflake eels, and file fish.
  11. H

    Need Help Identifying Hitchhiker On Conch

    Hey everyone, A new conch I got was climbing up the glass and I noticed a black thing coming out of what looks to be a small red snail shell and I also noticed a couple others. Does anyone know what it is? Is it a snail? Is it a bad hitchhiker? I can't seem to upload my video to the post but...
  12. S

    I have no idea what this could be and it creeps me out.

    I have no idea what this thing is, i just noticed it on my frag, i dipped the frag before hand as i do with all drags but???? It’s creepy and I’m not sure if i should be worried. I tried to get a good picture of it but the lighting is kind of temperamental sorry.
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