
  1. C

    Liverock hitchhiker ID?

    Have a few hitchhikers, some of which I’m (oddly?) excited about, feather dusters, bristle worms, possible spaghetti worms? But have a few more than I’m needing some ID on! Clear translucent tubes, Neon orange spots on multiple areas of rock, and the green plant looking algae? Also can’t...
  2. C

    ID please? Maybe limpets but not sure

    Admittedly my tank was neglected for a couple months while I was busy with work. Came home after a short weekend vacation to my pump not working. Added an air stone while new pump came in which was about a week. saw these on the glass, scraped, cleaned tank water change etc. still working on...
  3. P


  4. Lemons

    yellow Tile fish (Hoplolatilus Luteus) swim bladder issue??

    I got these bonded yellow tilefish about a day ago, and at first I thought one of them was just a little chunky. but they appear to be constantly fighting to sink. often resulting in them sticking themselves under something. both of them eat very well to my surprise. I started metro in the...
  5. palbert_95

    ID please

    I have two different rocks growing stuff, one of them I believe is some kind of algae, it's been growing for a bit before I added fish to my tank. As for the black stuff on the other rock I have no idea, I noticed it just this week, might've been there for a bit though. As for the white, don't...
  6. iReefer12

    Couple of ID’s needed. Pearlberry & Heartbreaker?

    The first one got sold to me from a storefront (not WWC) at a coral show as the WWC Heartbreaker, but to me it looks a lot more like the Fruitopia? What do you think? The second one, I traded with a local hobbyist and he said he thought it was Pearlberry but wasn’t sure, it’s grown out and it’s...