icp testing

  1. steps 4-6.jpeg

    steps 4-6.jpeg

    Steps 4-6 to maximize ICP use
  2. steps 1-3.jpeg

    steps 1-3.jpeg

    Steps 1-3 to maximize ICP use
  3. polyppal

    Lets talk real world value of ICP Testing / MicroBiome Testing, etc...

    How do you all feel about ICP testing (and now other types of lab aquarium testing, like microbiome testing and tank DNA tests)? While I could see the results as interesting, I don't really see the overall benefit/value in these types of expensive mail-away tests. Ive never bothered with one, I...
  4. kdtorgy

    ICP Testing and Zoas dying

    I have two questions concerning water parameters. 1. I would like to have my reef tank water ICP tested. I'm colorblind so the regular colorimetric testing kits don't work for me. I've been using the API AquaSpin testing spectrometer but would like to have my water tested to 1) make sure the...
  5. Rogued_Reefer

    1999ICP by Fauna Marin

    Hello Reefers, I hate to do posts like these but I feel it’s necessary to grow as a community and to hold vendors accountable. I sent out an ICP from @Fauna Marin to their Ft Myers location which got delivered on July 23rd. It’s August 8th and they have not given me the results back. The most...
  6. J

    Anything Concerning in these ICP Test Results?

    Hello all, I have another thread on hear describing some issues I have been having with my coral. Specifically SPS. So last week I sent off some water samples to ICP-Analysis.com as well as ATI Labs. Last night I had my TSA Fruity Pebbles frag RTN and noticed both my Oregon Tort frags starting...
  7. JSpen

    ICP test results

    So I’ve been having trouble with sps having STN after about a week or two. I just received my test relays back and would love to see what people think would cause this. My alk, calc, mg are all super stable and alk fluctuates 8.7-8.5 daily.
  8. psumms

    ICP Results are in .. Where

    Hi all... Just had results back from my first ICP test. I had them test samples from my display tank and my RO water tank. Everything looks good apart from two 'pollutants' ... Tin and Aluminium! My RO results show zero for both Tin (Sn) and Aluminium (Al) ... But my display tank samples reads...
  9. Ehsan@triton


    Hi everyone, Been a while since we have been active here but that is about to change. TRITON has a lot of things happening behind the scenes and we are excited to share some information as we have done in the past. We are happy to note that our US customer base is constantly growing and we...
  10. MnFish1

    Another ICP testing Poll

    Another great poll posted by @mdbannister (https://www.reef2reef.com/threads/how-often-do-you-guys-run-icp-tests.602018/) - prompted me to do this one - concerning results from your ICP tests - if you've done one - and the actions you took based on those results. Thanks for answering: Note -...
  11. Alexreefer

    Icp Coralvue or ICP-OES triton

    Which icp would you use and why? I am looking for an icp test and the coralvue is cheaper than the triton but is there a difference?
  12. MarineDepot

    MD + ATI Giveaway - 24 HOURS ONLY!

    Koa and Benji are keeping your prizes safe! Hi R2R Family, We did an @ATI North America giveaway on Facebook 2 days ago. Yesterday we did one on Instagram. And today we're doing one right here on REEF2REEF! THE PRIZES: ATI Lab Test Kit for ICP-OES Complete Water Analysis ATI Essentials...
  13. zachtos

    Has anyone tried to make their own trace elements solutions?

    OK, I have a nice 300G reef with solid CaRx and masterflex doser. I want to begin a no waterchange system and do consistent ICP (triton/ATI) testing. I will individually bump up trace elements weekly. A few of these items, I've dosed for long ago before testing existed... such as lugol's...
  14. LEOreefer

    Icp test results

    Got my triton results back and need some expert advice / opinions on what it’s reading.
  15. thabizness

    ICP and Tin

    I have been testing high levels of tin in my reef for a very long time (years). My reef itself looks good but of course there is always room for improvement. I am wondering what steps to take next. Here is a quick recap of what I have done over the years. Started ICP testing for my 180g. Had...
  16. AquariumSpecialty

    Triton Labs Back in Stock

    Did you know that Aquarium Specialty is the East Coast distributor for Triton Labs products? We just received our 1st shipment via ocean freight and we are well stocked! Here is the link to the Triton Labs section. http://www.aquariumspecialty.com/shop-by-brand/triton-labs.html
  17. Joe Batt

    Interesting Triton ICP test

    I have just restarted my aquarium and did an initial ICP test of the cycled water prior to adding anything. https://www.triton-lab.de/en/showroom/aquarium/auswertung-b/icp-oes/57210/ I used RODI and Tropic Marin salt, yet seems to be indicating very high levels of Zinc Manganese and Iron. It...
  18. Jizu Puentes

    Zero Iodine Reading??

    I recently got my Triton ICP results back and my Iodine level measured at zero. How is that possible? Don't salt mixes supplement that even if I'm not dosing it?
  19. tsav87

    ATI ICP Test - Results Are In!

    Today's the day! The day that I finally got in my ATI ICP Test Kit from @MarineDepot ! I wanted to share my experience here with you all. Small background on my tank... 70g CadLights Artisan II Less than a year old 6 bulb Hamilton T5HO Running ATI Essentials Last water change was around...
  20. lakereef

    ICP test analysis action recommendations

    I have had a few issues with my 3 year old reef. I'd say 90% of the coral are fine but I've seen some RTN of random coral starting this summer. I initially thought it could be low Nitrate levels, but I'm not convinced that's all so I ordered a ICP test. I'm using Kent salt and have since the...
  21. FLSharkvictim

    My TRITON ICP-OES Test results are back!

    Got my test results back from TRITON in Germany today and the 32 Elements ICP-OES TEST came back pretty decent except for just 3 parameters, that can be easily adjusted in just 4 days. A calcium deficiency was detected, A slight iodine deficiency was detected and last, was my magnesium content...
  22. FLSharkvictim

    Just got my results from TRITON (Germany)

    Got my test results back from TRITON in Germany today and the 32 Elements ICP-OES TEST came back pretty decent except for just 3 parameters, that can be easily adjusted in just 4 days. A calcium deficiency was detected, A slight iodine deficiency was detected and last, was my magnesium content...
  23. Keiffer the reefer

    ICP test results --> very low sulfur

    Many of the sps in my mixed reef have been eroding tissue lately. Some have been totally lost. All my standard params are measuring in good ranges so I sent a sample off to ICP-Analysis.com. Mostly, my results lead me to believe that water chemistry is pretty good. One notable item was my...
  24. Elgringodiablo

    Mysteriously Dying LPS

    So... For the past few months all of my LPS corals have been dying in two of my tanks. I cannot for the life of me figure out what is happening. I've lost thousands of dollars worth of rare hammers, torches, elegance corals, gonipora, chalices and acans. The acans have been dropping heads...
Black Label Aquatics