icp analysis

  1. David100

    Got my ICP Test back, High Cobalt & Aluminium ?

    I just got my ICP results back from the icp.reef-zlements kit I sent off a few days back. I have noticed 2 things that im not really sure how to fix. 3.57 µg/l Cobalt When it should be 0.1 - 1 µg/l Thatsvery high? What could cause this? and 122.92 µg/l Aluminium When it should be 0 - 20...
  2. NL.Reefer

    ATI ICP test results back suggestions. (Zoas melting)

    Hello everyone last week i send a icp test to ati becouse over the last few weeks my zoas where melting and i wanted to see where my iodione was. here are the results. https://lab.atiaquaristik.com/share/9b079123b076f5ba5318 2 weeks ago i took 4 kolonies from the reef and dip them but...
  3. steps 4-6.jpeg

    steps 4-6.jpeg

    Steps 4-6 to maximize ICP use
  4. steps 1-3.jpeg

    steps 1-3.jpeg

    Steps 1-3 to maximize ICP use
  5. Smallslandreefer

    Cooper in reef tank

    Hey guys, i just have a quick question, i would love to here your feedback. I got my icp test and the only concerning thing was the copper levels which test at 6.67 mg per liter. Is that acceptable or should i take action? B) whats the maximum acceptable level? C) my rodi water tested 3.5 mg per...
  6. C

    Hair algae out of control, have new ICP results

    Hello! I have a 75 gallon tank which has been up for about 2 years now, ~100 pounds of live rock with various corals and fish. I've been fighting hair algae the past few months now and it is driving me bonkers. I recently submitted an ICP test and everything seems great. Had a few minor...
  7. Gonj

    Tank Crash, Icp test, and new set up

    Long story short my tank crashed, I found my nero pump controller sitting in my sump (photos below). I immediately did an icp test find results below. I’ve been doing several waterchanges and running carbon between the crash to now. As per my icp test is it safe to assume the metal in the tank...
  8. JayFish4004

    ATI ICP test - analyze my results

    Hi team! Wanted to get the reefers united to analyze my latest ATI ICP results. I somehow have a tiny amount of copper - nothing new introduced and I run these monthly and have never seen copper before. Is this a level you would worry about? I do keep a small strip of polyfilter in the back...
  9. reefiniteasy

    Reef-Labs ICP results, what now?

    So at Aquashella Orlando I picked up a Reef-Labs icp test. They were BOGO. I just got back the results and I just feel like the tank I’m looking at should be way worse, my tank looks great by the way. Also, how does lead end up in my tank. We are in a 5 year old home with pvc plumbing and have...
  10. B

    ICP-Analysis.com Confusing Results

    Hi all, I decided to try ice-analysis.com as they had them on sale at my local LFS. Despite me sending the samples from Canada to Denver CO, they had my results posted in 5 days which was pretty impressive. Im a little confused however as the Chlorine result specifically I believe is either...
  11. JayFish4004

    ATI ICP Test and Alkalinity

    My alk from the ATI ICP test has been consistently about half a point under my Hanna Checker. Hanna is showing 8.0 and typically the ATI would be 7.5. The latest test I just got the results from show it a full point under at 6.8 somehow - difference this time being it took a few extra days to...
  12. twhit030

    ICP results

    Ohhhhhhh boy people. Okay so need some help I did my first ever ICP test. And I almost wish I hadn’t. Apparently there’s allllll sorts of metals in there and and I’m confused about iodine and some other things. If any one’s willing and understands any of this stuff please feel free to look over...
  13. Rookums Reef

    ICP Test resluts new tank help

    Just got my first test results back and I need to know what it means big picture and long term. I've never started with dry rock before. I had 120lbs of Marco and some marine pure balls in a 100g poly tank for 6 weeks, used microbacter 7 and some shrimp to feed bacteria. No fish yet, i was...
  14. H

    Debugging Acro STN Event

    Hi, I recently lost several of my acroporas to STN. They were doing really well, but I ran into a destabilization issue recently. I had a really bad briopsis infestation and treated with ReefFlux for two and a half weeks. Once per week I did a 20 gallon water change (it's a 75 gallon system, so...
  15. Rogued_Reefer

    1999ICP by Fauna Marin

    Hello Reefers, I hate to do posts like these but I feel it’s necessary to grow as a community and to hold vendors accountable. I sent out an ICP from @Fauna Marin to their Ft Myers location which got delivered on July 23rd. It’s August 8th and they have not given me the results back. The most...
  16. T


    I have been having issues with my reef tank, no new corals are surviving and all past corals have since died. I had posted another post explaining all my reef issues over the past year and someone suggested I do this test to see if theres anything that stands out that could be killing my corals…...
  17. J

    Anything Concerning in these ICP Test Results?

    Hello all, I have another thread on hear describing some issues I have been having with my coral. Specifically SPS. So last week I sent off some water samples to ICP-Analysis.com as well as ATI Labs. Last night I had my TSA Fruity Pebbles frag RTN and noticed both my Oregon Tort frags starting...
  18. A

    ICP test sent 4th Jan no results yet (Brexit?)

    Hi there I sent a ICP test off on the 4th Jan 2021 from UK to Germany and am yet to receive my results, I'm a little concerned as I have now seen mention of a customs form that now needs to be done to send anything from the UK to Europe after Brexit, Does anyone know if this still applies to...
  19. A

    ICP test sent 4th Jan no results yet

    Hi there I sent a ICP test off on the 4th Jan 2021 from UK to Germany and am yet to receive my results, I'm a little concerned as I have now seen mention of a customs form that now needs to be done to send anything from the UK to Europe after Brexit, Does anyone know if this still applies to...
  20. JSpen

    ICP test results

    So I’ve been having trouble with sps having STN after about a week or two. I just received my test relays back and would love to see what people think would cause this. My alk, calc, mg are all super stable and alk fluctuates 8.7-8.5 daily.
  21. C

    ICP Test results - What do I need to do?

    Hi Everyone, just got my test results in for the ICP. Need your help identifying what is out of whack in my tank so I can get it fixed. Looks like I should dose some trace elements? Aluminum at 41.26? dealing with STN for a while on Acro, so would be great to nail it down
  22. Reef and Dive

    Do we really need all those traces? Do we really need to keep water with the exact elementos of the ocean?

    I´ve been questioning myself a lot lately: do we really need to replenish all those traces? Do we really need to keep our water as close as we can to sea water? Long ago there were lots of thriving tanks while nobody even knew or talked about trace elements, many were R2R amazing featured...
  23. R

    ICP test results

    Good afternoon, just got my icp test results back and could do with some help and advise. So many orange readings and I just don't know where to start! I'm not currently dosing anything and doing 20% water change fortnightly. Corals / cuc doing terrible hence the test being done.
  24. Reefer37

    Here's my ATI ICP Results

    Took right at 2 weeks, but finally got my ATI ICP test results back and I was very surprised. Results Link First of all, I'd like to say, I really wish these values were able to be switched between the metric vs imperial system because it's hard to gauge how accurate my tests have been in...
  25. Beats001

    Fauna Marin ICP results

    Hi all, I have enclosed my ICP results and am interested in peoples opinions, and what difference if any dosing the low micro elements would have. Also I note my salifert reading for Mg was way off and there are no readings for Lanthanum or Iron yet I add these for phosphate control. Thanks