
  1. dank.reefer

    California Lighting LED Dry Goods Orphek Natura Icon $700 shipped to lower 48

    I have 1 Orphek Natura Icon for sale. The light was used for 2 weeks but I am gonna stick with my Kessil's. I just love that shimmer. This light is an awesome light that produces very natural day and night cycles based on actual sun and moon cycles bsed off the time on your cell. $700 shipped...
  2. MoKan Reefer

    Missouri WTB WANTED: Orphek Internals

    I'm looking for any and all parts from the full size Atlantik or Compact fixtures people have no use for, working or not! Led boards whether all of the diodes work or not, control boards, pc cards, fans, antennas, etc... With the new Orphek Icon fixtures hitting the market, I know a lot of...
  3. Announcing the BRAND NEW Orphek Atlantik iCon!

    Announcing the BRAND NEW Orphek Atlantik iCon!

    Orphek Atlantik iCon Orphek takes a leap into the future and presents the new Atlantik iCon – Intelligent Connectivity Orphek Atlantik iCon LED Lighting for Coral Growth & Color pop is the new generation of the Atlantik series offering you access to the future: New free Orphek iCon...