
  1. Daddydecoy

    Flukes and other disease?

    Ok here's the photos. My gf and I are debating on what the disease actually may be. It only is affecting the tang. I am trying to grow flukes out of the oval shapes, but we also notice raised white spots. We have studied the possible diseases on Humblefish.com and think it might be ick also...
  2. B

    I have a heater that has been through ich.

    I have a heater that has ich on it and I was wondering if I could boil it to get rid of the ich? If so what degrees will instantly kill ich? Any other suggestions? I would like to put the heater in today.
  3. B

    Ich medication on rock? If so removal help!

    My fish got ich around 3 weeks ago and it was successful (as of now). I used this medication named “Seachem Paraguard” and was curious if that sticks to your rocks like copper does? I did not use copper through the ich process. I used these rocks that I would love to put in my DT and was...
  4. B

    Want to move inverts to display tank but worried of ich

    So I have inverts in my old DT and I got a new DT but my older DT got ich and I heard that the cyst can stay on their shells. So my old DT has been fishless for about 2 weeks and so are the cyst still on my inverts and should I wait the 6-8 weeks or is their a way to kill the cyst on my inverts...
  5. Chase-B

    Sailfin ick or something else?

    Hello! My sailfin is currently getting spots on him, and we had just switched over our tang, a mandarin goby, and our clownfish over to this tank 3 days ago. Some background, we had a purple tang in this tank by himself months ago, and he died of what I think was marine velvet? We ended up being...
  6. S

    Fighting ich

    I am wanting to fight ick to erradicate it from my tank. I have a quarantine tank set up now. To put all my fish in. My tank is a 32 biocube. My plan is to drain the tank completely catch the fish then fill it back up with the same water and run it fallow for 8 weeks. I plan to use a brand new...
  7. A

    Ick - help!

    Admittedly guilty of not quarantining new fish but since I just started I figured if they get sick it’s only a few fish early on. Tank is only 2 months old. In addition my lfs said they do hyposalinity treatment and low level copper on their stocks so decided to risk it. A week ago chromis...
  8. Katdog

    Do I need to keep my glass tank hood off while medicating my fish with Coppersafe?

    I would love some help! I have a 10 gallon tank with 1 black molly, 1 red coral platy, and 2 dwarf Cory catfish. I am a newer fish owner and noticed my black molly wasn’t doing so well. I had noticed long poos which now I believe may have been some parasites. Never white or clear, always...
  9. M

    Possible ick. Please help!

    Hello everyone I have noticed some spots on my trigger and sweetlips that looks like potential ick. I was hoping you could help me identify it. There were similar spots on my angelfish a week ago but since have gone away. You can only see the spots at certain times on the fish and they aren’t 3D...
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