ich treatment

  1. N

    Treating Ich in display tank before adding corals

    I recently added my first inhabitants to my display tank, 2 Red Sea clownfish and a turbo snail. They are all seemingly healthy, except that the larger female clownfish has a suspected ich white spot on her skin directly next to her eye. Since I have not added any corals to the tank yet, should...
  2. SeaweedLife

    The dreaded ich… thoughts on DT approach

    Hi all, I’m so depressed that this is my first post. I’ve been reading these forums since starting my tank up in June of last year and it’s been super helpful. Hoping to get some advice as there’s a lot of approaches I’ve seen for ich management and treatment. I had a red Firefish goby that...
  3. Mnmbrix

    Benny the Starry Blenny. Ich?

    Hi Everyone! We just got this guy a week ago and I love him so much. Worried he may have Ich. Any thoughts? He’s healthy and seems active and happy. Eats well. But he dive bombs and rolls in the sand sometimes. Thought he was playing but not sure.
  4. E

    EMERGENCY Is this Ich?

    I came back from work today with a new flame fin tomini tang and before I put him in, I noticed that my domino damsel, purple tang, and fu man chi lion all had white spots. I’m not sure if it’s ich but if it is. I’d like to treat it as soon as possible.
  5. WorldZY

    Copperband Butterfly Fish acting odd?

    Hi There! We have had our CBB for a little over a month now. Before I get started, Gill eats almost 2 clams a day or Mussels (out of Clams) and Mysis shrimp constantly. He is always swimming around and very agile. Lastly, our water levels are all spot on. Today I noticed the 2-3 white specs on...
  6. E

    Fish has beginning stages of ICH. But that fish and all other fish seem fine. NEED ADVICE

    I have a blue damsel that is starting to show signs of ICH. Been monitoring it for a few days and the spots seem to move and over the last week have increased from his tailfins to the top part of his top fins. However, it seems perfectly fine. Not sluggish eats like crazy blah blah. I have a...
  7. ShrimpBandit

    Icky Dilemma

    I've got a 120g mixed reef that has been up for about 4 months. Everyone's doing well, but I just noticed a couple of ick spots on my tang (looking at a few new invert additions?) It's an ick-management type situation. Do I: - keep feeding nori and frozen cubes with selcon, continue with...
  8. S

    Can ich cure itself?

    So I have recently noticed that my flameback angel has a few ich spots on it. They are much more noticeable under the blue light than they are the white but I am pretty certain it is ich. I know the best way to treat this is with copper in a quarantine tank but I unfortunately do not have the...
  9. Neo Baldovino

    Hypo-Salinity in Display Tank

    Hi Everyone! I’ve decided to hop on here and start a thread based on my on going experience with hypo salinity in an establish aquarium. I have a Red Sea 900 with a decent amount of livestock in it. Currently in it is an XL clown Tang, XL Powder Blue, L Gold Rim Tang, M desjardini, M Hippo...
  10. GoodKat

    Using PolypLabs Medic to Treat Ich: Write up and Results

    Hi Everyone, Since PolypLabs Reef Medic is a relatively new medication, I thought I'd do an indepth review of the product for anyone considering using it to treat Ich. If you have any questions (or advice) leave a comment and I will provide an update after the 10 day treatment period. I only...
  11. Y

    Cowfish and box fish with ich?

    Hi all Added a longhorn and box fish 4 days ago and now seem covered in ich. I have regal and powder brown tang which do fine and don't have spots but it must be in the water. I have reef set up so will struggle with copper treatment. All water stats in the green is it just because they have...
  12. R

    EMERGENCY Cupramine

    Hello, I need guidance. Well, I want to explain the situation first. I am out of my city for work since last week. My wife is at home and she reported to me saying my yellow tang died all of a sudden. I couldn’t tell by the picture of it. At night she noticed the blue hippo is covered with ich...
  13. M

    Ich Outbraeak?

    Help! Found some white spots on my blue tang after giving her a fresh water dip to treat something unrelated, however while paying extra attention to her the last two days since the dip as she had a burn I noticed some spots today. On closer inspection I saw some on my royal gramma who is the...
  14. H

    Can 2 dots of ich appear and disappear within hours?

    So I didn’t do full quarantine on a tang about 4 months ago, introducing ich to my dt lesson learnt and I pulled all the fish into a hospital tank and treated with cupramine. During treatment the tang died but everyone else made it. Then I cleaned the sponges too much and had nitrite spike so...
  15. K

    Ich outbreak

    Recently bought a Redsea 300xl. All was going great till my foxface and brown Tang got ich shortly after bringing them home. Turns out they got better within 24 hours. Might of been the stress, no clue. So 10 days later we have an outbreak again on the same two fish. My other fish are a female...
  16. B

    Need help sick fish

    my clown has some kind of sickness I think and I can’t figure out what it could be I just got done with ich treatments for a week
  17. Alegeo_dragonette

    EMERGENCY Ich after copper treatment?

    Hello guys! Need some more specific guidance if is possible to get ich in QT after treatment,since the topics I found are not clear on what to do in such occasion. First of all let me briefly explain how, when and what happened. Up on my excitement I did the most common newbie mistake.. Too many...
  18. ChristieM

    EMERGENCY I think we have ich!!! Help!

    My porcupine puffer and red tooth trigger have come down with ich. They axiomatic well and all seemed good, but sure enough they have spots today. I don’t have a QT big enough for the both of them, or an empty one at that. Obviously it’s in my DT, so I’m looking to treat in the most effective...
  19. P

    Ich and fin rot

    I’m currently using API Super Cure Ick at half the recommended dose (I have 3 Mystery snails), and noticed my black molly (i also have 4 tetras, and 3 danio in 30 gal) is also showing signs of a possible secondary infection with fin rot. I only noticed these symptoms on my molly, most likely...
  20. ssunthar

    HELP: Blue Hippo Tang suffering cyclic white spots

    Hi Experts, Have a question... i have a hippo blue tang and it keeps getting white spots on a monthly cycle. And it will recover after a few days where it will be spotless. During these period, it still looks normal and eating well. During the last event - a few days ago - the small white...
  21. R

    Purple tang ick

    My purple tang has white spots that looks like ick. I don’t think I can catch it as I have a lot of rock work. Is there anything I can do? It was in a qt tank for 3 weeks with no issues it has been in the DT for about 3 weeks now an I notice it has two spots on its body an a couple on it’s fine...
  22. Victor Guyton

    EMERGENCY Regal Tang bumps

    Look like parasite burrowed in it. Ich would be white spots correct? Has anyone had this before and how do you treat it? Currently using MetroPlex, KanaPlex, Copper Power, and PraziPro.
  23. P

    Ich - hypo or chemical 1st?

    Maroon clown got ich today, bought a QT... Should I start with hyposalinity (+ freshwater bath too???) or start with chemical treatment (which one, herbatana, paraguard, coppersafe???) Please let me know exactly what I should do. And how long should I fallow the DT?
  24. P


    Maroon clown got ich today, bought a 20G QT, heater, filter and some herbatana. Should I start with hyposalinity (+ freshwater bath?) or start with chemical treatment (copper, herbatana, paraguard)? Please let me know exactly what I should do. And how long should I starve the DT, 45 days?
  25. Stu_Tanks

    Ich in the DT! Need advice.

    Hello all! As you saw in the title of my thread, I’ve had an Ich outbreak in my Red Sea reefer 350. Livestock: Tomini Tang Two Spot Tang 2 clownfish 1 Cardinal fish This started a little over a week ago. I was closely observing my tank and noticed white sugar like specs on my two spot tang...
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