ich management

  1. Prairie Reefer

    Advice for disease management Vs eradication for a new reefer

    so to start off I'm a new reefer running the Red Sea max nano peninsula. it seems that my tank has a case of ich which appeared on my Midas blenny so I put it and my watchmen in qt with copper power to treat and planned on doing the 80 degree 6 week fallow period and got a UV in my display. I...
  2. SeaweedLife

    The dreaded ich… thoughts on DT approach

    Hi all, I’m so depressed that this is my first post. I’ve been reading these forums since starting my tank up in June of last year and it’s been super helpful. Hoping to get some advice as there’s a lot of approaches I’ve seen for ich management and treatment. I had a red Firefish goby that...
  3. T

    Mimic tang has had ich for some time now, do I leave it be?

    Hello! I posted about this fish a while back, he has gone through some weird stuff. I have had him for roughly 6-8 months now, first four or so he had this weird looking bacterial infection on left side. I have another thread about that. He was first fish in tank. He would occasionally get an...
  4. E

    Blue Hippo Tang, possible ich

    Hello everyone, I need some help identifying what might be ich on my blue hippo tang. I noticed some spots last night however they’re flush white spots on the top of her head, and raised bumps on her belly similar to what I could describe as razor burn on a human. She also has some scratches or...
  5. Tammy J

    Continuous issues with ich

    Hello! I have been treating my tank for ich for approximately 3-4 weeks. I’ve done my 20% water changes, vacuumed my sand, and cleaned out my filter media once it appears the ich is gone. However, every time I do this, the ich reappears on my fish the next day. Can you give me an idea of what...
  6. E

    Fish has beginning stages of ICH. But that fish and all other fish seem fine. NEED ADVICE

    I have a blue damsel that is starting to show signs of ICH. Been monitoring it for a few days and the spots seem to move and over the last week have increased from his tailfins to the top part of his top fins. However, it seems perfectly fine. Not sluggish eats like crazy blah blah. I have a...
  7. ShrimpBandit

    Icky Dilemma

    I've got a 120g mixed reef that has been up for about 4 months. Everyone's doing well, but I just noticed a couple of ick spots on my tang (looking at a few new invert additions?) It's an ick-management type situation. Do I: - keep feeding nori and frozen cubes with selcon, continue with...
  8. A

    A question about ICH and other parasites.

    I always wondered if its possible that Sand sifting fishes, sea cucumbers etc will digest the Tomont stage of the parasites and if corals, gorgonians etc will feed on the free swimming stage (Trophonts) of the parasite? I believe its possible that they do feed on them, maybe wont be able to...
  9. Neo Baldovino

    Hypo-Salinity in Display Tank

    Hi Everyone! I’ve decided to hop on here and start a thread based on my on going experience with hypo salinity in an establish aquarium. I have a Red Sea 900 with a decent amount of livestock in it. Currently in it is an XL clown Tang, XL Powder Blue, L Gold Rim Tang, M desjardini, M Hippo...
  10. J

    how to clear ich faster (no fish in tank currently)

    Hello, I currently have a tank with an (snowflake eel, some hermits, cleaner shrimp, and some snails) just went through a huge tank wipeout that killed my scopas, rabbitfish, emperor angel, and more… all from ich… i was curious what i should do now that theres no fish in the tank and i have to...
  11. Jon!

    Ich / Velvet Do Nothing Treatment Thread!

    I am sharing my experience beating (living with) ich/velvet by doing nothing except maintaining good water quality and movement and increasing the quantity, quality and variety of foods offered to the fish in my DT. Hi all. I'm a big fan of R2R and the many perspectives I've gained over the...
  12. GoodKat

    Using PolypLabs Medic to Treat Ich: Write up and Results

    Hi Everyone, Since PolypLabs Reef Medic is a relatively new medication, I thought I'd do an indepth review of the product for anyone considering using it to treat Ich. If you have any questions (or advice) leave a comment and I will provide an update after the 10 day treatment period. I only...
  13. K

    Ich outbreak

    Recently bought a Redsea 300xl. All was going great till my foxface and brown Tang got ich shortly after bringing them home. Turns out they got better within 24 hours. Might of been the stress, no clue. So 10 days later we have an outbreak again on the same two fish. My other fish are a female...
  14. RealWorld

    Cupramine vs Coppersafe

    Hello everyone, What is your opinions as to which is better for ich treatment? Cupramine or Coppersafe? I have started with Cupramine a couple of days ago and am up to 0.2pm level now. I’m running out of Cupramine so I need to pick up another bottle. should I continue with dosing Cupramine...
  15. gettergejetter

    PBT in QT treat or not , what should I do?

    Hi everyone, so here is another question in the net about powder blues in qt and possible diseases. I've probably read all of them but I would like to have you guys opinion on my personal case. I have a Powder Blue Tang in QT since exactly 3 weeks now and it is eating very well since the...
  16. Alegeo_dragonette

    EMERGENCY Ich after copper treatment?

    Hello guys! Need some more specific guidance if is possible to get ich in QT after treatment,since the topics I found are not clear on what to do in such occasion. First of all let me briefly explain how, when and what happened. Up on my excitement I did the most common newbie mistake.. Too many...
  17. Gonj

    Inverts and Ich please help

    Recently just started up a 37g tank, I’m on week 2 of cycling and I had a pair of clown in there to help cycle. I noticed 1/2 clowns started showing signs of ich so I removed them both into a hospital tank and begun treating them. The one experiencing symptoms did not make it, the other clown...
  18. KGV

    Quarantine poll

    Most of us believe that quarantining your fish is the best approach to avoid diseases wiping out our entire tank. I think most will agree on that. But ... does it also safe more fish lives overall?
  19. ssunthar

    HELP: Blue Hippo Tang suffering cyclic white spots

    Hi Experts, Have a question... i have a hippo blue tang and it keeps getting white spots on a monthly cycle. And it will recover after a few days where it will be spotless. During these period, it still looks normal and eating well. During the last event - a few days ago - the small white...
  20. Meara

    UV Sterilizer

    Hello everybody; I’m looking for information about UV Sterilizers. I have recently gone through a ich nightmare, (I am in Canada and there is limited medication available it was truly brutal) and I am looking for things that may help me avoid this going forward. I was wondering if anyone has...
  21. Damdeno

    Filtersock maintenance

    fairly new to hobby how frequent do you replace filtersock. Just placed some ick treatment and wanted to know if I should replace the sock to help get rid of any ick/ich treatment trace still in the filtration.
  22. Meara

    Build Thread Take Two

    Hello I started my first saltwater tank last February, and everything seemed to be going well. It cycled nicely I had lovely fish I was just waiting to fix a small flow problem in my sump and upgrade my lights for coral. Then I got Ich. Now this is where you need to know that I live in Canada...
  23. J

    Tank fallow, new tank, keep fallow?

    Hi, I have a fallow 55 gallon tank with inverts and corals in it. I have 2 clowns in copper. While all this is going on, I decided to upgrade to a waterbox 110.4. I am wondering if I should move my rock over right away and forgo the fallow period, since I won't be QT inverts or corals, just...
  24. J


    Hey everyone, I'm about 2 months into this hobby, and I just had a tang die from Ich. I took it out of the DT yesterday and put it into a hospital tank and dosed with Ich X. Woke up this morning and it didn't make it. So now I'm wondering... My tank has ich now I assume. How do I deal with...
  25. J

    Kole tang help

    Hey everyone, two days ago I noticed some very small looking "particles" on my kole tang. Yesterday I didn't see them, and last night I saw them again. This morning with the lights off, I got these pictures. This is my first saltwater / reef tank, and I have no idea if this is ok or if it's a...